vsergeev / briefsky

A free weather frontend to a variety of weather providers
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Example weather provider warning even after provider added #6

Closed mhkeller closed 1 year ago

mhkeller commented 1 year ago

Great app! I added weather credentials but I'm still getting the box at the top saying that this is an example weather provider. I refreshed a couple of times but it remains. Opening up settings and my credentials are there.

vsergeev commented 1 year ago

Did you provide a location in the settings? If not, is it possible you denied the geolocation prompt? Either way, let me know what it says in the console to help pinpoint the problem.

mhkeller commented 1 year ago

Ah it was the location settings. All working now thanks!

mhkeller commented 1 year ago

An update in case other people run into this issue: an added wrinkle was I added this to my home screen on iOS and apparently that was not allowing my location to be saved. I was entering the lat/lng manually fwiw. To get it to save my location, I had to open up briefksy.app in Safari, add my location manually and then save it to my home screen – it didn't seem to like adding information to a home screen page that already existed. Perhaps this will be improved once PWA support is added via https://github.com/vsergeev/briefsky/issues/8

nfriedly commented 1 year ago

I just ran into this also - that error message is really confusing. The issue was location, not the selected API, and the error doesn't say anything about that.

In my case, it had worked fine for months, but location permission apparently got reset with a browser update, and the site didn't even prompt for it - it just gave me the example provider warning and bogus data.