vsergeyev / loudml-grafana-app

Visualization panel and datasource for Grafana to connect with Loud ML AI solution for ICT and IoT automation
MIT License
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Support Grafana 7.x #7

Open fabrix76 opened 4 years ago

fabrix76 commented 4 years ago

Hello, is it in roadmap to support latest version of grafana (7.x)? is it possible to get a prevision how many time you need to do it?


vsergeyev commented 4 years ago

Hello @fabrix76

Yes, surely 7.x will be supported :)

I have already added a code changes for it. Let me pack and commit it.


vsergeyev commented 4 years ago

@fabrix76 added support for Grafana 7.x

Please give it a try and let me know how it works.

You may test it with Docker:

docker run -d \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  --name=grafana \
  -e "GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=https://github.com/vsergeyev/loudml-grafana-app/raw/master/loudml-grafana-app-1.4.0-grafana7.zip;loudml-grafana-app" \
fabrix76 commented 4 years ago

Hello @vsergeyev, thank you for you quickness :) i had installed new package and now it works, but I get an error using it.

I had configured LoudML datasource, after in a dashbooard i get a panel "loud ML graph", i'm going to use an influx DB (called "generale_casa") where i get the mean value of a field group by time (30s).

Influx datasource name: Influx-IoT influx query: q:"SELECT mean("Potenza") FROM "generale_casa" WHERE time >= now() - 6h GROUP BY time(30s)"

Using "create baseline" i get this error:

"Model create error invalid field features.0.default: not a valid value"

in panel, under Display here you are input bucket: generale casa output bucklet generale_casa_ml

here the configuration of loudml


Actually generale_casa_ml doesn't exists, because is where i would like to insert my prevision of measurement.

vsergeyev commented 4 years ago

@fabrix76 ,

"Model create error
invalid field features.0.default: not a valid value"

This is about fill() option if Group By. LoudML supports 0 or "previous" https://loudml.io/en/loudml/reference/current/timeseries-dsl.html

This is not-intuitive from UX in my panel, let me put a fix to improve it.

generale_casa_ml bucket should exists probably, I'm not sure if LoudML will create this database based on config. @regel may help.


fabrix76 commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much @vsergeyev ^_^

fabrix76 commented 4 years ago

Just another thing, i don't if this is an issue, but in legend there is something row doesn't get column name but it is generic "value", and there isn't any value (min, max,average total etc) Looking in display it seems missing about toggles to select what show in legend, so it is empty.

hope to be useful for you
