vsg-dev / VulkanSceneGraph

Vulkan & C++17 based Scene Graph Project
MIT License
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Questions about project Scope #57

Closed gamagan closed 5 years ago

gamagan commented 5 years ago


This project is very interesting; I've been following it for some time. One thing I'd like to point out is that the scope of the project, in relation to Vulkan and the host application, is not very clear. By that, I mean:

Basically, for an application such as a game engine, what parts does VSG handle and which parts are the responsibility of the host application?

Perhaps this info is located in different places, but I haven't been able to find concise answers to them. A 'Scope' type of document would be ideal.

Finally, is the project far enough that developers (thinking of myself) could start playing around with it, or is it in the "mostly broken/ever changing api" state that it's typical for projects at the beginning? I'm interested in starting to develop a toy game engine with it.


vsg-dev commented 5 years ago

Is VSG just a SceneGraph, or is it a Framework? From the looks of it, it's actually a framework that's structured as a SceneGraph.

It's principally a general purpose scene graph and is not intended to be a high level framework.

The library does include basic viewer+windowing support to make it easier to create basic graphics applications. Support for extensible IO also exists, as does maths and other classes that use of and manipulation of the scene graph.

These extra features are focused on supporting use of the scene graph in wide range of applications rather than support a specific domain like you might see with a game engine.

The background from the VSG is vis-sim, just like the OpenSceneGraph that is it's predecessor (I'm the project lead and principle author the OSG project) so this will colour the design and features encompassed. I am aiming for the VSG to a professional grade scene graph for the modern era. If we achieve this then many of the next generation of professional flight/marine/automotive simulators will use the VSG.

It's my expectation that once the VSG is feature complete enough other developers with create Frameworks ontop the VSG that add domain specific features and slick art path routes that suit particular market domains.

Does VSG handle Vulkan initialization, or does the host application?

The VSG typically will handle all the Vulkan work, though it should be possible to use it alongside applications that do some of the Vulkan work themselves. A significant chunk of the VSG is a scene graph friendly, lightweight C++ wrapper around Vulkan C library.

Vulkan is really verbose to work with, one of the aims for the VSG is to be able to do all the awkward setup and management for users so they can just focus on setting up there scenes and rendering them.

Does Does VSG expose Vulkan objects, or does it hide them?

VSG C++ objects encapsulates Vulkan objects and does the necessary calls for you, but if you really need to get to the underlying Vulkan objects there are directly accessible.

Does VSG only handle SceneGraph related stuff, or does it do the whole framework stuff?

I guess it depends upon what your interpretation of what a scene graph and framework is. Some might see the range of the features already in the VSG and see this as a framework, but compare it to something like Unity and you'd be like, errr where is all my high level editors and off the shelf features?

A slight tangent though, currently @tomhog is working on a Unity exporter to VSG so that we can pull in datasets from Unity. It'll be just a subset of data for now, so just basic things like transforms, meshes, textures. The VSG is so fast that I'm struggling to find models big enough to really challenge it so have been keen to see if we can use Unity to generate big datasets.

Does VSG or the App owns the memory?

The application will use smart pointers and intrusive reference counting for VSG objects, once all external references to VSG objects are removed (it's reference count goes to zero) the object will be deleted and any objects that it has references will be removed - they may in turn be deleted. The VSG encapsulates Vulkan objects so once all the references to them are removed the Vulkan objects will also be removed automatically, and do in correct order to avoid any destruction order issues.

The VSG has a Allocator API that allows you to customize memory allocation and deletion. I've written the API for it, but so far haven't had a chance to test it out as there have been lots of other tasks to get on with. It's something I might touch upon soon though. For most users they won't ever need to use custom Allocators, so consider this an advanced feature that you only deploy if you really have to.

What is outside of the Scope of VSG which the Application is expected to implement?

That all depends upon the type of application you are trying to develop. If you just want to load some models and render them then you'll need little more than the VSG itself - see the vsgviewer example in vsgExamples. If we want physics, AI, networking, UI, scripting, specific high level rendering techniques etc. then you'll need to implement these.

Perhaps this info is located in different places, but I haven't been able to find concise answers to them. A 'Scope' type of document would be ideal.

Have you read all the docs in VulkanSceneGraph/docs? I've tried to write up quite a bit already but different people have different perspectives and questions so I can only answer the questions I think they might have.

As a general note, my expectation is that existing users of the OpenSceneGraph will be often be the early adopters to the VSG, for them they will probably already have an idea of what VSG will provide, and this probably colours what questions I think need answering.

Finally, is the project far enough that developers (thinking of myself) could start playing around with it, or is it in the "mostly broken/ever changing api" state that it's typical for projects at the beginning? I'm interested in starting to develop a toy game engine with it.

Tom and I are funded to work on VSG close to fulltime so it's very much in development with the API evolving as it gets developed. While I have the OSG as prior art to learn from, it's an OpenGL scene graph rather than a Vulkan one, there haven't been Vulkan specific scene graph that we can learn from. This means some areas are real unknowns and liable to more churn in the API and implementation. For instance the bottlenecks you get with the Vulkan are very different from OpenGL so how you manage the scene graph needs to reflect this to get the best out of Vulkan. To know how best to do this requires testing of different approaches and lots of benchmark to make sure that results take you in the right direction.

Finally, is the project far enough that developers (thinking of myself) could start playing around with it, or is it in the "mostly broken/ever changing api" state that it's typical for projects at the beginning? I'm interested in starting to develop a toy game engine with it.

Whether it makes sense for you personally I can't say. There are advantages and disadvantages with being an early adopter. Advantage is that you see the project evolve and potentially contribute to it in ways that benefit your own project. If you the type to isn't intimidated by having to roll your own or put up with an API and implementations changing then it might be appropriate. If you want ready made, high level stable solutions and need lots of documentation to lead your through it then the VSG in it's current alpha state wont be for you.

If you are considering rolling your own Vulkan based game then you might be best just adopting the VSG, even with it's alpha status, it'll likely lead you to get things up and running a lot quicker than learning Vulkan and how best to use it.

gamagan commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the write up.

As a follow up, It might be a good idea to enable the Github Wiki. This info could be useful there, even as a raw dump. I would be willing to contribute some documentation as I learn VSG; just need a place to put it.

Last I've heard, Google Groups is closing. Is Google Groups still the best place to ask VSG questions?

I think I'll take the plunge and start using VSG for my 2D toy engine. I've already built a tiny prototype, but I'm spending alot of time on low level stuff and want to move up a higher layer. I'll be starting over, but that's ok. The main feature I'm looking to support that intersect with VSG are:

Some other features that probably do-not intersect with VSG are:

Thanks again for the info. I won't continue to use the issues to ask questions, and I know you're busy developing VSG -- just need to know the best place to go once I have the inevitable implementation questions.


vsg-dev commented 5 years ago

I haven't tried out the wiki yet - my main focus right now is on the code itself so haven't spent much time on wider things like website. Have you come across a good example of github wiki in action that is worth me looking at?

I hadn't heard GoogleGroups is closing, I've just done a quick search online and couldn't find any reference about this. Could you point me in the direction of article/press release about this?

For now GoogleGroups will be the best place to post general support questions.

As for your 2D game, it should be a modest enough of challenge to be doable with the VSG as it is. You'll need to work on your shaders and scene graph setup, game controller support etc.

The VSG's serialization support is pretty straight forward to use so it should be usable for serializing in/out any extensions of VSG nodes or your own classes (they just need to subclass from vsg::Objects, implement the read/write methods, and register themselves with the vsg::OjbectFactory so that the read's can work out how to create an instance of it.

I haven't head the term "Resource Hot Loading", what do you mean by that? Anything like paging in data from disk/network? I'll be work on paging in the next few months.

gamagan commented 5 years ago

About Wiki: I wouldn't necessary call these examples great, but they're functional:

My point about the wiki is not necessary to use the Github wiki, but to have a place where users can contribute documentation and notes. Might as well enable people to help themselves, if they are so inclined. It's not 100% necessary, but it could be useful. I don't know if "readthedocs.org" is a wiki-like thing, but that might also be worth checking out.

About Google Groups: I could have sworned that I used to see banners on GG saying they were shutting down, but maybe it was just the old Google Code, or Google+. I did some Googling, and it looks like I made this part up. So, nvm.

About "Hot Loading": Say a game engine uses some images, and scrips, and config files during runtime. Hot (re)loading is the ability to update those resources while the engine is running and have the engine detect those changes and re-load the resources at runtimes, without having to such down and restart. This is super useful for rapid iteration. Once you have experience this, it's difficult to go back to the old shutdown-update-restart. With enough work, it's possible to add hot-reloading to just about everything. In my initial toy engine, I was even able to hot-reload some DLLs, though hot-loading C++ code starts getting really hairy as design code grows.