vsg-dev / vsgXchange

Utility library for converting data+materials to/from VulkanSceneGraph
MIT License
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zstd symbol name collision between vsgXchange ktx library's zstd symbols and libvulkan_radeon.so's use of the same symbol names from system's libzstd.so.1 #193

Closed rms7326 closed 1 month ago

rms7326 commented 1 month ago

We built vsgXchange so that we could use the shader and TrueType font loaders. We do not need any of the other features like ktx, assimp, etc. assimp is optional but ktx is not. When libktx is built it compiles the zstddeclib.c module which includes public symbols such as ZSTD_decompressDCtx that are also defined in libzstd.so. As can be seen in the stack trace below, the Vulkan Radeon driver calls ZSTD_decompress in /lib64/libzstd.so.1 which subsequently calls ZSTD_decompressDCtx which it finds in libvsgXchange.so.1. Both libraries have the same publicly named symbols so it is probably hit or miss as to which one you get. Anyway, this causes a crash. /appdir/bin/libvsgXchange.so.1(ZSTD_freeDDict+0xd) /appdir/bin/libvsgXchange.so.1(ZSTD_decompressDCtx+0x37) /lib64/libzstd.so.1(ZSTD_decompress+0x5e) /usr/lib64/libvulkan_radeon.so(+0x283def) ... /appdir/bin/libvsg.so.14(_ZN3vsg16GraphicsPipeline14ImplementationC2ERNS_7ContextEPNS_6DeviceEPKNS_10RenderPassEPKNS_14PipelineLayoutERKSt6vectorINS_7ref_ptrINS_11ShaderStageEEESaISF_EERKSC_INSD_INS_21GraphicsPipelineStateEEESaISL_EEj+0x253)

I have been able to fix it with two separate work-arounds:

The first solution modifies the build file and source file:

The second solution just modifies the build file to use the system's libzstd.so.1 instead of the ktx copy of the source code:

What would you suggest is the best way to solve this issue?

robertosfield commented 1 month ago

What AMD drivers are you using? I am using Kubuntu 22.04 on my AMD 5700G desktop system without problem.

libzstd.so.1 won't be a standard library so just making it an external dependency will break the build on most OS's/distro's so the first suggested solution sounds most appropriate,

The inclusion of the ktx sources into the vsgXchange build has always been a fallback because historically ktx sources were problematic to checkout and build so I fudged ease of use by just pulling in the sources and building what we needed. It would worth revisiting this as it may now be possible to pull in ktx support via package managers.

rms7326 commented 1 month ago

I have fedora40 using dnf. AMD doesn't supply proprietary drivers for fedora so I use their Mesa drivers enroute to some hardware acceleration. It is still pretty fast. That may be the difference between our two systems. Here is what my installation looks like:

root@tpw101:~# dnf list installed | grep radeon
radeon-profile.x86_64                                  20200824-11.fc40                       @fedora
radeon-profile-daemon.x86_64                           20190603-9.fc40                        @fedora
radeontop.x86_64                                       1.4-8.fc40                             @fedora
root@tpw101:~# dnf list installed | grep amd
amd-gpu-firmware.noarch                                20240709-1.fc40                        @updates
amd-ucode-firmware.noarch                              20240709-1.fc40                        @updates
xorg-x11-drv-amdgpu.x86_64                             23.0.0-3.fc40                          @fedora 
robertosfield commented 1 month ago

I'm using the Mesa drives under Kubuntu but as I'm on a Windows machine right now I can do any checks.

Could you apply the your first suggestion above, get it working then create a PR for it? I can then review and test out on my systems. Thanks.

rms7326 commented 1 month ago

Will do