Closed tiger12506 closed 1 year ago
I'm embarrassed to admit that I tried this on some WEMOS D1 mini, and it worked perfectly. So I'm pretty convinced that the board I was working with just didn't have any flash available to the sketch. Sorry for the noise!
I'm afraid that I am quite the newb when it comes to ESP devices and also the Arduino IDE. I have a history with more barebones uC like PIC.
I have a ESP8266MOD AI-THINKER chip on a CH340 USB UART board that I bought from China years ago. I have an arduino ide sketch that uses the DallasTemperature, and therefore OneWire, and also ESPAsyncWebServer -- and that is working correctly. However, I'd like to add Preferences to this setup so that I can configure the device without flashing it.
This Preferences library return false when I try to use this code (paraphrased): Preferences prefs; bool result = prefs.begin("tiger", true);
I don't know where to go from here. Is there some sort of debugging message I can catch? Is this chip not supported by this library? Do you know of any alternatives that might work? Is there some way I can help you support this chip if that's a possibility?