vshymanskyy / TinyGSM

A small Arduino library for GSM modules, that just works
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https post sim7600 SSL #598

Open hmzaaa opened 2 years ago

hmzaaa commented 2 years ago

Hello, please can someone help me. I have tested this code works fine https://github.com/kiddtang/SSLClient/tree/master/examples/Esp32/https_gsm_SIM7600/https_post_sim7600

but when i try to change the server to my own server it doesn't work

// Server details to test TCP / SSL
const char server [] = "device-node-deploy.herokuapp.com";
const char resource [] = "/ device";
const int port = 443;

And the error i get:

Signal quality: 31
[1369] Current Network Time: 10/21 / 16.00: 26: 36
[1487] Modem Temp: 27.00
[1510] Connecting to device-node-deploy.herokuapp.com
Making POST request securely
[2162] ### Closed: 0
Status code: -2
[39366] ### Unhandled: + NETOPEN: 0

do we need to change the certificate

SRGDamia1 commented 2 years ago

Has this issue been resolved?

hmzaaa commented 2 years ago

no not yet :/ , I think the problem is in the server that does not support TLS 1.1,I’m not sure that’s the problem exactly.

simkard69 commented 2 years ago

Any update on the ability to use SSL/TLS communication with a remote server with SIM7600 ? Seems like the Lilygo-T-SIM7600X has an example for that : https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/LilyGO-T-SIM7600X/blob/master/examples/SSL_server/SSL_server.ino

Any chance to get that running with TinyGSM ?

Naheel-Azawy commented 1 year ago


I haven't tried the fork @hmzaaa is using, but I tested the original one at https://github.com/govorox/SSLClient and it's working well so far.

do we need to change the certificate

I guess you mean the one in certs.h in the provided example? If yes, then probably this is your issue.

Each domain must have a certificate. These certificates are signed by certificate authorities (CAs). To check who is the root CA of a domain (I'll assume a chromium-based browser):

For your server device-node-deploy.herokuapp.com, the CA seems to be Amazon Root CA 1. So, I guess your certs.h should look like this

const char* root_ca = \
    "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" \
    "MIIDQTCCAimgAwIBAgITBmyfz5m/jAo54vB4ikPmljZbyjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsF\n" \
    "ca9HgFB0fW7Y14h29Jlo91ghYPl0hAEvrAIthtOgQ3pOsqTQNroBvo3bSMgHFzZM\n" \
    "9O6II8c+6zf1tRn4SWiw3te5djgdYZ6k/oI2peVKVuRF4fn9tBb6dNqcmzU5L/qw\n" \
    "IFAGbHrQgLKm+a/sRxmPUDgH3KKHOVj4utWp+UhnMJbulHheb4mjUcAwhmahRWa6\n" \
    "VOujw5H5SNz/0egwLX0tdHA114gk957EWW67c4cX8jJGKLhD+rcdqsq08p8kDi1L\n" \
    "93FcXmn/6pUCyziKrlA4b9v7LWIbxcceVOF34GfID5yHI9Y/QCB/IIDEgEw+OyQm\n" \
    "A4IBAQCY8jdaQZChGsV2USggNiMOruYou6r4lK5IpDB/G/wkjUu0yKGX9rbxenDI\n" \
    "U5PMCCjjmCXPI6T53iHTfIUJrU6adTrCC2qJeHZERxhlbI1Bjjt/msv0tadQ1wUs\n" \
    "N+gDS63pYaACbvXy8MWy7Vu33PqUXHeeE6V/Uq2V8viTO96LXFvKWlJbYK8U90vv\n" \
    "o/ufQJVtMVT8QtPHRh8jrdkPSHCa2XV4cdFyQzR1bldZwgJcJmApzyMZFo6IQ6XU\n" \
    "5MsI+yMRQ+hDKXJioaldXgjUkK642M4UwtBV8ob2xJNDd2ZhwLnoQdeXeGADbkpy\n" \
    "rqXRfboQnoZsG4q5WTP468SQvvG5\n" \
    "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";

There are probably better ways to get those certificates. But this was a quick dirty way that got the job done for me.