I am using the AllFunctions.ino example code and implemented the following functions:
Everything works well during the synchronization, the modem gets updated. The issue that I am having is with the function NTPServerSync returning the value 255 when the synchronization is successful.
For my modem the request network synchronization AT cmd returns more than just the value: 1. It appends to the value: ,"datetime", example of this: 1,"2024/05/23,17:44:42"
Note that I could not find this documented in the SIM7000 Series_AT Command Manual hence no surprise that it is not parsed properly in TinyGSM by the function TinyGsmIsValidNumber.
I recreated/modified the function: TinyGsmIsValidNumber from TinyGsmNTP.tpp with:
if (str.length() >= 2 && str.substring(0, 2).equals("1,")) {return 1;}
LiLYGOSIMCOM SIM7000G SIM7000G R1529 TinyGSM version: 0.11.7
I am using the AllFunctions.ino example code and implemented the following functions: TINY_GSM_TEST_GPRS TINY_GSM_TEST_NTP TINY_GSM_TEST_TIME
Everything works well during the synchronization, the modem gets updated. The issue that I am having is with the function NTPServerSync returning the value 255 when the synchronization is successful.
For my modem the request network synchronization AT cmd returns more than just the value: 1. It appends to the value: ,"datetime", example of this: 1,"2024/05/23,17:44:42"
Note that I could not find this documented in the SIM7000 Series_AT Command Manual hence no surprise that it is not parsed properly in TinyGSM by the function TinyGsmIsValidNumber.
I recreated/modified the function: TinyGsmIsValidNumber from TinyGsmNTP.tpp with:
`... if (str.length() >= 2 && str.substring(0, 2).equals("1,")) {return 1;}
if (!(str.charAt(0) == '+' || str.charAt(0) == '-' || isDigit(str.charAt(0)))) return false; ...`
By the way great library ... thks