vsicurella / SuperVirtualKeyboard

MIDI Plugin made with JUCE for interacting with microtonal piano layouts
The Unlicense
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CV frequency output? #17

Open mxmilkiib opened 4 years ago

mxmilkiib commented 4 years ago

LV2 and JACK both have a CV port mechanism.

The MOD devices plugins use a frequency system akin to the Eurorack voltage levels.

If would be great to have a microtonal way to drive plugins using that system.

vsicurella commented 4 years ago

This would be super cool, and I didn't know about that, so thanks for the suggestion!

The only thing is as of now I'm not sure if I'm going to introduce actual tuning into this plugin. Although it makes sense at a certain extent, there would have to be a lot more controls packed into SuperVirtualKeyboard and I'm not sure yet if that's the best move.

I do have another project I'm using for retuning which is this one: https://github.com/vsicurella/Tune-Up-MIDI So I will absolutely look into implementing the CV port mechanism for this. And if adding tuning into SVK seems like a good move, it should be pretty easy to use the code from this project.

mxmilkiib commented 3 years ago

There's two JUCE forks that target LV2 anyway; https://github.com/DISTRHO/JUCE and https://github.com/lv2-porting-project/JUCE plus a recent article on the newer CMake method