vsivsi / meteor-job

Job class for use with Meteor job-collection distributed job queue.
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Problem with splitLongArray function #8

Open lekev opened 8 years ago

lekev commented 8 years ago

Hi, I have a problem when I try to remove a long array of job ids , it seems that is limited to 256 ids . I suspect the splitLongArray function to be the issue.

vsivsi commented 8 years ago

Hi, can you decribe what the problem actually is and provide some code to reproduce it? From your brief description I can't tell what your problem actually is. The purpose of splitLongArray is to batch up very long requests (> 256) into multiple method calls to the server instead of one very long request. This is required because of limitations in the Meteor DDP protocol.

splitLongArray works fine in my experience, and has extensive unit tests here: https://github.com/vsivsi/meteor-job/blob/master/test/index.coffee#L318

I'm marking this as "can't reproduce" pending more detailed information from you.