vslavik / poedit

Translations editor for Mac, Windows and Unix
MIT License
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Smarty templates support #402

Open shoulders opened 7 years ago

shoulders commented 7 years ago

smarty template system has a great plugin that allows the use of gettext using the custom tags {t}{/t} within the .tpl files.

This would be a great addition to poedit and open up a lot more users to add a parser/scanner to pick these translations up aswell.



vslavik commented 7 years ago

a lot more users

You may be severely overestimating the # of Smarty users…

I'm aware of Smarty's existence and do I have proper (i.e. not the kludge above) support for it on my todo list, but to be perfectly honest, it's not a top priority right now.

shoulders commented 7 years ago

A full tutorial on using tsmarty2c.php to extract {t}...{/t} strings


I hope this is of use.

vslavik commented 7 years ago

This is a bug tracker, please limit its use as such. This is not an approproiate place for your study notes etc. Please do not add comments on issues unless you have something substantial to say.

I am now closing comments here to cut down on exactly this noise (that I previously cleaned up here).

Others: if you care for Smarty support, thumbs-up the description.