vslavik / winsparkle

App update framework for Windows, inspired by Sparkle for macOS
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Support EdDSA signatures #187

Open vslavik opened 5 years ago

vslavik commented 5 years ago

(Mac) Sparkle now implements more secure signatures using EdDSA (ed25519).

See Sparkle 1.21.0 release and the bug that led to it — https://github.com/sparkle-project/Sparkle/issues/1037.

This doesn't appear to be documented anywhere except the example, but the signature is stored in the appcast as base64-encoded value in sparkle::edSignature property.

On our end, we discussed this in #157 particularly in regard to DSA being difficult on Windows. Sparkle uses a small portable library for it from https://github.com/orlp/ed25519 — we could use that too or we could use win32 API if possible. In any case, it's probably worth considering doing OpenSSL-less builds too, then.

/CCing @Youw as this may be of interest to you, and as I'd definitely appreciate your view on the ease (or not) of implementing ed25519 natively with win32 crypto API.

Youw commented 5 years ago

Good job, Sparkle. I remember discussion regarding EdDSA was there for quite a while. Now they finally done it.

It's been some time, since I look at crypto implementations/APIs. I'll do a deeper check later, when have more free time.

Some notes on top of my mind:

vslavik commented 5 years ago

Sorry for being unclear regarding OpenSSL: I'm wondering about ways to remove that ~500kB of code. If we make Ed25519 the default and deprecate DSA (and I think we should, just as Sparkle did), it becomes OK-ish to make DSA verification a bit more complicated, especially considering how recently we added support for it; so e.g. requiring Windows ≥ 8 or OpenSSL DLL (as you did originally) may be fine. But let's postpone this part for now.

Regarding Ed25519, I'm actually having trouble finding any reference to Ed25519, EdDSA or RFC 8032 in Microsoft's CryptoAPI or CNG docs.

Youw commented 5 years ago

I'm actually having trouble finding any reference to Ed25519, EdDSA or RFC 8032 in Microsoft's CryptoAPI

So do I.

in order to migrate from DSA to EdDSA, it is only a matter of changing provider type and provider name

I guess, I meant, that it would be that easy only if it is supported

estan commented 5 years ago

Hi guys, potentially looking at using WinSparkle for our product (looks nice!). Our Windows build worker is Windows 8.1 and will be for still some time, so would be great if signature generation would still work there. Good that you're moving from DSA to ed25519.

As an unrelated side note, we're actually using that ed25519 implementation you linked (https://github.com/orlp/ed25519) for our homegrown (very basic!) license checking system :) It's working well and was easy to integrate.

Youw commented 5 years ago

I did some deeper investigation on MS Crypto API, and here is my discoveries: 1) CryptoAPI is considered to be an "old" approach. Instead, MS recommends CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation) - supported, starting with Windows Vista, but still, on my opinion, not been up-to-date with modern world requirements; Generally not a problem from technical perspective to use a new API; 2) According to list of supported algorithms:

I tried a small test app on my local (Win10) machine - nothing has changed on Windows 10. The largest supported DSA key is 3072 bits size. This makes CNG useless for WinSparkle, since we use 4096 keys by default.

My conclusion: if we want to keep backward compatibility with version 0.6.0 - we have to keep OpenSSL around( And use 3d-party library for EdDSA/25519 signatures.

vslavik commented 5 years ago

My conclusion: if we want to keep backward compatibility with version 0.6.0 - we have to keep OpenSSL around(

Yes, but let me rephrase for accuracy: we need to keep some implementation of our own around. I'll see (later) if we can use something more lightweight.

puetzk commented 5 years ago

There's quite a few lightweight ed25519 implementations around.

I think the two most popular are https://github.com/orlp/ed25519 (which is a cleaned-up version of the original supercop "ref10" reference implementation, and https://github.com/floodyberry/ed25519-donna (which is quite a bit faster).

If you want a more integrated crypto library, libsodium would be the usual choice. If I recall, their ed25519 is based on the ed25519-donna implementation

Whatever you pick, https://github.com/google/wycheproof/blob/master/testvectors/eddsa_test.json has tests vectors to verify your are accepting/rejecting the right things.

Edit: sorry this seemed like noise. I saw orlp already linked, but not the ed25519-donna (the usual speed-optimized production implementation) or the wycheproof tests to evaluate anything else you found).

pipboy96 commented 5 years ago

There is also the "verifiably secure" implementation that can be verifiably reduced to the mathematical description of Ed25519: https://github.com/project-everest/hacl-star. I am not a developer or contributor to it.

vslavik commented 5 years ago

Please refrain from adding further noise to this issue by recommending libraries (the original comment already says it!) or adding comment without substance (several of which I had to delete already).

Youw commented 4 years ago

So I made several attempts to have an implementation for EdDSA for WinSparkle over the last few months, and I simply don't have enough free time to finish everything and prepare PR (and none of my current projects depend on this change, so I cannot squeeze this time as part of my main tasks).

If anyone explicitly waiting on my promise, please excuse me.

vslavik commented 4 years ago

If anyone explicitly waiting on my promise

Not at all, I'm just insanely busy lately myself. If you have some unfinished code that you could share (either by pushing to your fork or sharing privately or as a Work-in-Progress PR, whatever you'd be comfortable with) that would be great and I could pick it up from there.

Youw commented 4 years ago

I had something (just a simple test app), but need to check if I didn't lost it on a dead hard drive.

kornelski commented 4 years ago

I've added EdDSA support to Sparkle, and I can recommend using https://github.com/orlp/ed25519

It's small and easy to build. It's entirely self-contained, so there are no pains with system and dependency versioning. The API is super simple — I wouldn't be confident getting signing with OpenSSL right, but this library has literally sign and verify functions.

vslavik commented 4 years ago

@kornelski Yes, it’s even linked in the first comment – given your use in Sparkle, it’s a no brainer to use it too, despite my earlier (but not well-founded) reservations to it.

Aspirational goal is to remove the huge OpenSSL dependency altogether (or at least make it optional), so that one is definitely off the table even if its API wasn’t a minefield.