vslavik / winsparkle

App update framework for Windows, inspired by Sparkle for macOS
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Support Semantic Versions #214

Closed Athanasius closed 4 years ago

Athanasius commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to properly use Semantic Versions in a project.

I was happy to see that the current implementation of SplitVersionString (https://github.com/vslavik/winsparkle/blob/master/src/updatechecker.cpp#L75-L77) naturally supports the 'pre-release' segment, just due to how it splits the string.

However, as there's no special handling of SemVer's +build it's treated as part of the version for comparison purposes, which is incorrect for Semantic Versions:

https://semver.org/#semantic-versioning-specification-semver - Point 10:

Build metadata MUST be ignored when determining version precedence.

i.e. WinSparkle considers 1.2.3-beta1+build6 to be larger than 1.2.3-beta1+build7, which you might naively think is wanted, but what if it's 1.2.3-beta1+f7aa85a versus 1.23-beta1+a89b23 (i.e. git short tag as build metadata) ? They should be considered the same version.

So, any plans for an option to have version checking follow Semantic Version rules ?

In the meantime I'll see if there's a WinSparkle API hook I can use to trim the build metadata off, or if needs be fork and compile my own version with tweaks.

Athanasius commented 4 years ago

My workaround for now (this is in Python):

            appversion_nobuildmetadata = appversion.split(sep='+')[0]
            print('Version used for WinSparkle: {}'.format(appversion_nobuildmetadata))
vslavik commented 4 years ago

So, any plans for an option to have version checking follow Semantic Version rules ?

Well, you're the one who cares about this, so why not contribute a PR back to the project?

As a rule of thumb, compatibility with Sparkle is an important consideration. A difference in how comparison behaves in WinSparkle, with reproduction test case, is considered a bug in WinSparkle.

Finally, note that sparkle feeds operate with two version numbers, allowing decoupling of version numbers that are user visible and that are used for comparison.