vslavik / winsparkle

App update framework for Windows, inspired by Sparkle for macOS
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vcpkg integration #238

Open daschuer opened 2 years ago

daschuer commented 2 years ago

VCPKG is a C++ Library Manager for Windows https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg It is driven by cmake and allows to integrate libraries with various build systems like msbuild.

I have crated a port for WinSpakles here https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/17563

During the code review I have been ask to link against the libraries that are already build by vcpkg and not against the source 3rdparty library.

What is the best way to do it?

Is there a chance that the required changes are integrated here?

vslavik commented 2 years ago

What is the best way to do it?


Is there a chance that the required changes are integrated here?

Frankly, no.

It is an explicit design goal for WinSparkle to be a single self-contained DLL with no external dependencies (to the point that it even links to static CRT!). This matters for e.g. in-app delta updates or re-launching the app after update (which, OK, aren't implemented yet) when WinSparkle code requires special handling to keep running. As long as that means just a single WinSparkle.dll and nothing else, it is manageable.

I'd really appreciate it if something as high-profile as Vcpkg didn't provide non-standard builds.