I would like to hire you to implement this code for me for personal but instead of trading on binance, i want to send a webhook for trades on a different platform with higher margin.
Bybit allows 25X margin would make this much better. To signal a trade on bybit, I use "alertatron" which uses webhooks and in the textbody it contains the buy/sell/stop orders code.
We also have to make sure this is as instantaneous as possible when elon tweets!
I would like to hire you to implement this code for me for personal but instead of trading on binance, i want to send a webhook for trades on a different platform with higher margin. Bybit allows 25X margin would make this much better. To signal a trade on bybit, I use "alertatron" which uses webhooks and in the textbody it contains the buy/sell/stop orders code. We also have to make sure this is as instantaneous as possible when elon tweets! craig9309@gmail.com