[Done:] Modules that support vsm-box (vsm-dictionary-*, -cacher, vsm-autocomplete, etc).
[Done:] TheTerms display and user-interaction.
[Done:] ThePopup display and user-interaction.
[Done:] Support for customization of Terms, ThePopup, VsmAutocomplete-Items.
[Done:] Design & implement TheConns.
[Done:] Add connector-sorting code. | - Refactor it.
Write tests for TheConns and its dependent components.
[Done:] Integrate events from TheTerms & TheConns in VsmBox, and emit change. Describe in Readme.
[Done:] Make demo with text-area that shows current state in JSON, and that can load from edited state.
[Done:] Update "index-prod-*.html" demos of the build output.
Later: Move all vsm modules' documentation into a gitbook on vsm.github.io.
Future: refactor to a 'vsm-box Version 2'.
See the new design here. It describes a new vsm-to-svg module that does all the coordinate-calculations and term- and connector-drawing. This would make it doable to implement multi-line vsm-sentences, simplify tests, and more.
. Describe in Readme.Later: Move all vsm modules' documentation into a gitbook on vsm.github.io.
Future: refactor to a 'vsm-box Version 2'. See the new design here. It describes a new
module that does all the coordinate-calculations and term- and connector-drawing. This would make it doable to implement multi-line vsm-sentences, simplify tests, and more.First of all: secure new funding.