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Find a house #1

Open vsr opened 11 years ago

arafatkamaal commented 11 years ago

Its a little difficult to answer this question without getting further details.

Do you want a rented house or a own house? If its the former then the solution is really easy, all you need to do is pay a broker really well and get it.

Regarding the latter, things gets a little interesting. My Personal advice to you is don't go for a flat or an apartment or a villa. My personal recommendation to you is to got for a independent home. Buying an independent home in the city city will cost you near the same as a flat. There fore you may have to go to onsite to amass some wealth for a base amount, if this is not possible then do you have any solid savings in things like gold. Gold can be disposed of in these situations to raise money for the home. If that is not possible, can you get some money from your parents???? That is an another way.

If none of this works for you . The only other way is a big fat home loan. Unfortunately given the interest rates, our income rate, growing expenses, EMI's, post marriage expenses like wife- kids education, other 'kharcha', bills et al. Fundamentally means home loan means life long slavery in a zero risk corporate job.

If none of this works out. And you are ready to part with a little ethics and principles of yours. There is one dead easy way. Its called dowry, its for you to decide whether you want to take dowry. I won't comment on how others must live their lives. Its a horrible option but regardless its an option.

Finally, there is one hard way. Which is to work extremely hard. If you wish and are OK with taking risks on your own start up. Or work on a side project(s). Keep working, push 16 hour daily schedule. You might fail initially, but given enough iterations- Some day you shall have the money for the home!