vstadnytskyi / intel-realsense-devices

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driver class #15

Open vstadnytskyi opened 2 years ago

vstadnytskyi commented 2 years ago

@AbdelRahmanNasser20 Following up on the most recent pull request.

We need more feedback and diagnostics options when instantiating driver object.

Here is the minimal example that should yield working driver object. Unless I am not using it correctly, then we need to have documentation on how it supposed to be used.

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In [1]: from intel_realsense_devices.driver import Driver

In [2]: driver = Driver()

In [3]: driver.init(serial_number="f1231322")

In [4]: driver.get_images()
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [4], in <module>
----> 1 driver.get_images()

File ~\Documents\Valentyn\custom_python_libraries\intel-realsense-devices\intel_realsense_devices\driver.py:194, in Driver.get_images(self)
    191 depth = f.get_depth_frame()
    193 color_img = np.asanyarray(color.get_data())
--> 194 ir_img = np.asanyarray(infrared.get_data())
    195 depth_img = np.asanyarray(depth.get_data())
    197 return {"color": color_img, "depth" : depth_img, "infrared" : ir_img}

RuntimeError: null pointer passed for argument "frame_ref"

Rebooting computer did not solve the problem. It is possible we need to do hardware reset before continuing. If that is correct, we need to have an extra function that would allow us to do this. Proposed definition:

def hardware_reset(self):
   resets hardware
   dev = driver.profile["gyro"].get_device()
vstadnytskyi commented 2 years ago

I found what is the problem. The driver object has connected itself to a wrong camera.

if I request device info from a profile, I do not get the camera I have requested with specific serial number. See below.

In [8]: driver.profile["gyro"].get_device()
Out[8]: <pyrealsense2.device: Intel RealSense D435I (S/N: 139522074713  FW:  on USB2.1)>
vstadnytskyi commented 2 years ago

@AbdelRahmanNasser20, I still get a problem with driver class. It connects to another camera first.

In [1]: from intel_realsense_devices.driver import Driver

In [2]: driver = Driver()

In [3]: driver.init(serial_number="f1231322")
 ----- Available devices -----
  Device PID:  0B3A
  Device name:  Intel RealSense D435I
  Serial number:  139522074713
  Firmware version:
  USB:  2.1
Enabled all streams
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [3], in <module>
----> 1 driver.init(serial_number="f1231322")

File ~\Documents\Valentyn\custom_python_libraries\intel-realsense-devices\intel_realsense_devices\driver.py:67, in Driver.init(self, serial_number)
     64 self.conf[IMAGE].enable_device(serial_number)
     65 self.conf[GYRO].enable_device(serial_number)
---> 67 self.start()

File ~\Documents\Valentyn\custom_python_libraries\intel-realsense-devices\intel_realsense_devices\driver.py:88, in Driver.start(self)
     86 self.profile[ACCEL] = self.pipeline[ACCEL].start(self.conf[ACCEL])
     87 self.profile[GYRO] = self.pipeline[GYRO].start(self.conf[GYRO])
---> 88 self.profile[IMAGE] = self.pipeline[IMAGE].start(self.conf[IMAGE])

RuntimeError: Couldn't resolve requests

In [4]: import intel_realsense_devices

In [5]: intel_realsense_devices.__version__
Out[5]: '0.post52+gb0d4b19'
vstadnytskyi commented 2 years ago

It still connects to another camera

<pyrealsense2.device: Intel RealSense D435I (S/
N: 139522074713  FW:  on USB2.1)>

Check version of the code I have

In [5]: intel_realsense_devices.__version__
Out[5]: '0.post52+gb0d4b19'