vstakhov / rmilter

Another sendmail milter for different mail checks.
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spamd_temp_fail causes syntax error #171

Open dimejo opened 7 years ago

dimejo commented 7 years ago

rmilter v1.10.0 on CentOS 7.3.1611

rmilter fails to start with this error message: rmilter[16471]: config file </etc/rmilter/rmilter.conf.local> parse error! line: 60, text: spamd_temp_fail, reason: syntax error

The relevant part of the configuration file:

spamd {
        # servers - spamd socket definitions in format:
        # /path/to/file
        # host[:port]
        # sockets are separated by ','
        # if server name is prefixed with r: it is rspamd server
        # Default: empty
        servers = r:localhost:11333;

        # whitelist - list of ips or nets that should be not checked with spamd
        # Default: empty
        #whitelist =, [::1]/128;
        whitelist = ;

        # extended_spam_headers: add extended Rspamd headers to messages NOT originated
        # from authenticated users or our_networks, is useful for debugging or
        # private mail servers (flag)
        # Default: false
        extended_spam_headers = true;

        # spamd_never_reject: never reject a message even if Rspamd action is reject,
        # add header instead (flag)
        # Default: false
        spamd_never_reject = true;

        # spamd_temp_fail: return temporary failure if spam servers could not be
        # reached (ignore otherwise) (flag)
        # Default: false
        spamd_temp_fail = true;

The start fails no matter what I set (true, false, "string" or empty). The erro is gone when spamd_temp_fail is commented out.

It's probably some stupid mistake on my side ...

vstakhov commented 7 years ago

This option has been removed.

dimejo commented 7 years ago

It is still listed in the documentation.

rmiddle commented 7 years ago

Just broke my rmilter instance attempting to use this option. Documentation needs to be updated.