vsterling / Base-Camp

Project Archiving, Roadmaps
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Portfolio on Cargo #9

Open vsterling opened 7 months ago

vsterling commented 7 months ago

I created vi-ster.com as my digital portfolio using Cargo Collective and Bluehost.

Next Steps:

It currently includes a main page with external links and resume. I will continue to modify it to include some of the following elements:

Previously (before launch):

Page Content doc

vsterling commented 7 months ago

Current projects listed: GPP final conference Cross-cultural X-Phi Series SCRF Documentation PS

vsterling commented 7 months ago

Consider a new format, where pictures are displayed, and text appears when you click.

vsterling commented 7 months ago

Gallery: Video of Monztera PS Flyers PS Photos GPP Conference

vsterling commented 7 months ago
vsterling commented 7 months ago

Consider how to categorize in broad strokes. By project individually, or by type.

vsterling commented 7 months ago

I decided not to do the above and instead start with an all-text version of the site. I can go back and modify text to image, making it easier to navigate in the future. I wanted an MVP, so it is currently my resume in bullet points. vi-ster.cargo.site is ready with a Main Page and a Resume page.

vsterling commented 7 months ago

I linked it to my domain by editing the DNS on Bluehost. Note this is under my victoriamsterling gmail and still is linked to my Aiken address. I also stopped autorenew for inkonsistent.co.

vsterling commented 7 months ago

vi-ster.com is live!

vsterling commented 7 months ago

Removed links to Blog and GIthub until further notice. Migrated LinkedIn link to the navigation on the Resume page. Experimented by changing Resume content background to #ebe7e7

vsterling commented 7 months ago

Watch video on editing

vsterling commented 7 months ago

Portfolio list out doc from earlier in 2023

vsterling commented 6 months ago

Added ps page vi-ster.com/ps

vsterling commented 6 months ago

Made a long post on the GPP with videos. Need to edit and simplify text.