vstirbu / InstagramPlugin

Instagram plugin for PhoneGap/Cordova
MIT License
120 stars 78 forks source link

fix: 🐛 fix sharing on iOS #111 #114

Closed rodrigograca31 closed 4 years ago

rodrigograca31 commented 4 years ago

More here: https://github.com/vstirbu/InstagramPlugin/pull/112

Credit where credit is due, original code from: @clark-zhao-hs https://github.com/vstirbu/InstagramPlugin/pull/106

rodrigograca31 commented 4 years ago

@LucWollants or @douglaslaiber or @webquali

can someone take a look, maybe run this branch code and let me know if its all good?

then I will commit a version bump and publish to npm

rodrigograca31 commented 4 years ago

pinging you guys to ask for someone to please review my changes....?


drastik commented 4 years ago

@rodrigograca31 I just reviewed today on iPhone 11 pro, iOS 13.4.1 Instagram is still not available as an option in app list.


drastik commented 4 years ago

It does work on iPhone 7, iOS 11.4; however it still pulls the OS app drawer with multiple options (not Instagram exclusive).

drastik commented 4 years ago

@rodrigograca31 What are people using for bounties today? I tried BountySource, but now they're part of this CanYa thing, and their website doesn't even work (can't log in).

I want to put $150 bounty on making this work on newest iPhones, and also exclusively opening the Instagram app (not OS app drawer)

rodrigograca31 commented 4 years ago

I also use BountySource and also dont like them and every now and then they are down :sob: If anyone wants to make a profitable company do a code bounty site!

I've asked GitHub to do it. They have a "marketplace" it would be so easy to make make a button to turn an issue into a bounty that would show up in a marketplace and thousands of developers would see and try to fix it and get paid. It would be the greatest thing for OSS! (Open Source Software)

Anyways, back to the main topic.

Did you try it correctly? Its not implemented on the master branch yet. Its on a diferente branch. You need to add the plugin like this: ionic cordova plugin add https://github.com/vstirbu/InstagramPlugin#fix-ios-sharing to have this specific changes

Let me know if works.

rodrigograca31 commented 4 years ago

@drastik any updates!?

drastik commented 4 years ago

Sorry, yeah - I had even checked the files after updating the repo the first time, before I commented on this issue. Yes I updated package to pull from proper branch.

I am just getting back to this today, going to try a vanilla project to see what it does.

rodrigograca31 commented 4 years ago

:thinking: Sad to see that this doesnt solve it. It should.... but Im not an iOS developer...

drastik commented 4 years ago

Haha, neither am I. After 2 yrs on a large project, where along the way seems like every single framework or component we utilized had breaking updates and we had to pivot constantly, it was only ever Apple/iOS stuff that caused us the biggest problems and headaches. Every. Single. Time. Web always worked, Android always worked, but if you blinked your eyes Apple stopped working. This is even with automated tests - repeatable any time a plugin or Apple themselves changed something, dozens of issues would spring up, integrations broken, UI components stop working, etc.

Anyway, /rantover, just saying don't feel bad haha, and I'm not surprised. I'm still testing this to try and help.

drastik commented 4 years ago

@rodrigograca31 Okay, double confirmed it doesn't work. Also updated an older iPhone 7 to iOS 13.4.x and it affects that one as well as the iPhone 11.

rodrigograca31 commented 4 years ago

Sucks, sorry I can't help more, I dont even own Apple stuff 😅

Maybe one of you guys can help? @LucWollants or @douglaslaiber or @webquali It would be really appreciated!

rodrigograca31 commented 4 years ago

Merging this because it seems to work.

drastik commented 4 years ago

If you look closer at his comment, he is saying it does not work.

:( I am also not much help on this one other than testing, nor do I have any desire to code for Crapple. I want to put a bounty on this if there is a way.

rodrigograca31 commented 4 years ago

@drastik yeah. I know but thas because it just changed, seems the code was working.

I think you should use https://www.bountysource.com/ to make your bounty and an iOS dev will take care of this once for all.