Hello, I've seen that alot of people have gotten this to work. I need some help on the general workflow to follow with this project. Could someone please post a small description highlighting the steps needed? I have prepared my data in the required format, need to know how to proceed in order to train and then make predictions using this model.
invoice_data is the folder that contains the images and their respective json files.
I copied these from another post here in the issues section. The model does start to train but I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly. Any help would be appreciated.
Hello, I've seen that alot of people have gotten this to work. I need some help on the general workflow to follow with this project. Could someone please post a small description highlighting the steps needed? I have prepared my data in the required format, need to know how to proceed in order to train and then make predictions using this model.
So far, for training, I'm doing this:
python main_build_dict.py --doc_path 'invoice_data/' python main_data_tokenizer.py --doc_path 'invoice_data/'
python main_train_json.py --doc_path 'invoice_data/' --save_prefix 'INVOICE' --embedding_file '' --ckpt_path 'graph/' --tokenize True --update_dict True --dict_path 'dict/' --rows_segment 72 --cols_segment 72 --augment_strategy 1 --positional_mapping_strategy 1 --rows_target 64 --cols_target 64 --rows_ulimit 80 --fill_bbox False --data_augmentation_extra True --data_augmentation_dropout 1 --data_augmentation_extra_rows 16 --data_augmentation_extra_cols 16 --batch_size 32 --iterations 40000 --lr_decay_step 13000 --learning_rate 0.0001 --lr_decay_factor 0.1 --hard_negative_ratio 3 --use_ghm 0 --ghm_bins 30 --ghm_momentum 0 --log_path 'log/' --log_disp_step 100 --log_save_step 100 --validation_step 100 --test_step 400 --ckpt_save_step 50 --embedding_size 128 --weight_decay 0.0005 --eps 1e-6
invoice_data is the folder that contains the images and their respective json files.
I copied these from another post here in the issues section. The model does start to train but I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly. Any help would be appreciated.