vt-elixir / ja_resource

A behaviour to reduce boilerplate code in your JSON-API compliant Phoenix controllers without sacrificing flexibility.
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Removing associations when null #66

Open lxcodes opened 7 years ago

lxcodes commented 7 years ago

This may be some what related to #45, but currently it looks like setting parent_id works for both create and update but permitted_attributes isn't getting nil attributes in order to remove them from what I can see. I can remove an association if I directly pass in parent_id => nil in attributes though.

Wondering if this was the intended way to update a resource to remove an association: PATCH [http://localhost:4000/api/classifications/3]

            "name":"Top Level Classification"
                "data": null

Phoenix Params:

Parameters: %{"data" => %{"attributes" => %{"name" => "Top Level Classification"}, "id" => "3", "relationships" => %{"parent" => %{"data" => nil}}, "type" => "classifications"}, "id" => "3"}

JaResource attrs passed into permitted_attributes:

Before Update Attrs: %{"name" => "Top Level Classification", "type" => "classifications"}

Should there be a "parent_id" => nil there?


  schema "classifications" do
    field :name, :string

    belongs_to :parent, Classification, on_replace: :update
    has_many :children, Classification, foreign_key: :parent_id, on_delete: :delete_all

psteininger commented 4 years ago

@lxcodes thanks for filing this. I will take a look at this in the coming days, as I will be working on something similar.