vt-vl-lab / 3d-photo-inpainting

[CVPR 2020] 3D Photography using Context-aware Layered Depth Inpainting
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error of BoostingMonocularDepth #155

Open VrushankMPC opened 2 years ago

VrushankMPC commented 2 years ago

Getting below error while trying to do the process

(3DP) PS D:\3D\3d-photo-inpainting-master> python main.py --config argument.yml running on device 0 0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Current Source ==> jetbluecropped Running depth extraction at 1649252588.5195417 'cp' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. The system cannot find the path specified. 0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s] Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 54, in run_boostmonodepth(sample['ref_img_fi'], config['src_folder'], config['depth_folder']) File "D:\3D\3d-photo-inpainting-master\boostmonodepth_utils.py", line 41, in run_boostmonodepth depth = imageio.imread(os.path.join(BOOST_BASE, BOOST_OUTPUTS, tgt_name)) File "C:\Users\raipur9\MiniConda3\envs\3DP\lib\site-packages\imageio\core\functions.py", line 265, in imread reader = read(uri, format, "i", kwargs) File "C:\Users\raipur9\MiniConda3\envs\3DP\lib\site-packages\imageio\core\functions.py", line 172, in get_reader request = Request(uri, "r" + mode, kwargs) File "C:\Users\raipur9\MiniConda3\envs\3DP\lib\site-packages\imageio\core\request.py", line 124, in init self._parse_uri(uri) File "C:\Users\raipur9\MiniConda3\envs\3DP\lib\site-packages\imageio\core\request.py", line 260, in _parse_uri raise FileNotFoundError("No such file: '%s'" % fn) FileNotFoundError: No such file: 'D:\3D\3d-photo-inpainting-master\BoostingMonocularDepth\outputs\jetbluecropped.png'

lofstone commented 2 years ago

I have meet exactly the same issue

ml1994 commented 2 years ago


sumanttyagi commented 2 years ago

@hsnbsrbalaban still facing the same issue in linux machine

Sylvainsbrr commented 1 year ago

Any update ?

unoriginalscreenname commented 1 year ago

🚨 I solved it by changing python to python3 in boostmonodepth_utils.py - line 32

This does not work. I'm running locally on wsl2 and this repository is broken. Stuck on exact same issue.

unoriginalscreenname commented 1 year ago

For what it's worth, it looks like it breaks down here in the boostmonodepth_utils.py file:

File "run.py", line 480, in estimatemidas prediction = midasmodel.forward(sample)

I have no idea how to debug that. Maybe someone out there can help get it working.

donlinglok1 commented 1 year ago

Getting below error while trying to do the process

(3DP) PS D:\3D\3d-photo-inpainting-master> python main.py --config argument.yml running on device 0 0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Current Source ==> jetbluecropped Running depth extraction at 1649252588.5195417 'cp' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or ...

i can see the log is windows system, i have a branch that can support windows system using git bash.

check here: https://github.com/vt-vl-lab/3d-photo-inpainting/pull/187

jasonhahaha commented 10 months ago


cd BoostingMonocularDepth python run.py --Final --data_dir inputs/ --output_dir outputs --depthNet 0 如果报错信息为 ImportError: /lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29' not found 则参考解决方法:https://www.jianshu.com/p/fa98d384d8a1