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Make a readme! #2

Closed 3vivekb closed 7 years ago

3vivekb commented 7 years ago

Describe the project and its goals.

SJClaus commented 7 years ago


3vivekb commented 7 years ago

What you created isn't really a Readme but something else. Somebody should create a proper readme with nice markdown. Here is a list of awesome descriptive pretty readmes. https://github.com/matiassingers/awesome-readme

Kyle-Falconer commented 7 years ago

It doesn't need to be as fancy as some of those listed, but it should have the name of readme.md so that GitHub picks it up properly. It should also be descriptive and well-structured so that someone coming across the repository can, at a glance, see what the project is for, and at a closer read, find out as much information as is required to use what's in the repository.

SJClaus commented 7 years ago

Readme is done.