Input focus is not visible when the input is clicked when the option is selected. Input gets the blue border which is intended but the Input cursor is not visible.
Input focus is not visible when the option is cleared by clicking on the X icon.
Steps to reproduce
Type something
Select an option
Click on the Input again
Type something
Select an option
Clear the selection with the X icon.
What is the current behavior?
The input Cursor is not visible despite being in the focused state
Question/Bug Report
icon.Steps to reproduce
icon.What is the current behavior?
The input Cursor is not visible despite being in the focused state
What is the expected behavior?
The input cursor should be visible when clicked.
Sandbox Link
What's your environment?
Browser - Chrome React - 16.14 react-select - 4.3.1 react-select-async-paginate- 0.6.2