vterron / lemon

Differential photometry for humans (and astronomers)
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Open database without juicer #84

Closed hbouy closed 8 years ago

hbouy commented 8 years ago

Hi, I have a hard time installing pygtk on my machines (Mac OS X). Is there another (easy) way to open the .LEMONdB and extract the lightcurves? thank you!

vterron commented 8 years ago

That's bad news! juicer is very useful as it allows to analyze the light curves interactively. The closest thing that we have is this script that I wrote some time ago, in order to bulk export all the light curves from a database — would that work for you? Another option, of course, would be to generate the LEMONdB on one computer and then copy it to a different system where PyGTK is installed and therefore juicer is available.

hbouy commented 8 years ago

Dear Victor, It is indeed a pity, and I will certainly try to get Juicer to work! It looks great. But meanwhile to go on with my analysis I need to access the light curves, so your script is perfect! It was still calling some Gtk module, but commenting a couple of lines (19 and 98) did the trick. Thank you, this is very useful!