vtex / shoreline

Design System for the VTEX Admin, previously called Admin UI
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Dependency Dashboard #1659

Open renovate[bot] opened 1 week ago

renovate[bot] commented 1 week ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


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Detected dependencies

.github/workflows/pr.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `pnpm/action-setup v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `amannn/action-semantic-pull-request v5`
.github/workflows/release.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `pnpm/action-setup v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/upload-artifact v3`
package.json - `@storybook/test ^8.0.9` - `@types/node 20.14.9` - `@biomejs/biome 1.8.2` - `@chromatic-com/storybook ^1` - `@commitlint/cli ^9.1.2` - `@commitlint/config-conventional ^9.1.2` - `@commitlint/prompt ^9.1.2` - `@playwright/test ^1.43.0` - `@storybook/addon-a11y ^8.0.9` - `@storybook/addon-actions ^8.0.9` - `@storybook/addon-essentials ^8.0.9` - `@storybook/addon-interactions ^8.0.9` - `@storybook/addon-links ^8.0.9` - `@storybook/addon-storysource ^8.0.9` - `@storybook/react ^8.0.9` - `@storybook/react-vite ^8.0.9` - `@storybook/react-webpack5 ^8.0.9` - `@storybook/test-runner ^0.17.0` - `@storybook/theming ^8.0.9` - `@types/react 18.2.14` - `@types/react-dom 18.2.6` - `@vitejs/plugin-react 4.1.0` - `chromatic ^9.1.0` - `commitizen ^4.2.0` - `concurrently ^8.2.2` - `http-server ^14.1.1` - `husky ^8.0.3` - `jsdom 23.0.0` - `lerna 8.1.4` - `lint-staged ^14.0.1` - `npm-run-all2 ^5.0.0` - `plop 3.1.2` - `prettier ^2.8.8` - `raw.macro ^0.4.2` - `react 18.2.0` - `react-dom 18.2.0` - `react-test-renderer 18.2.0` - `storybook ^8.0.9` - `stylelint ^15.11.0` - `stylelint-config-recommended ^13.0.0` - `stylelint-prettier ^4.0.2` - `tslib 2.6.3` - `tsup 8.1.0` - `turbo 2.0.5` - `typescript 5.5.2` - `vite 5.3.1` - `vitest 1.6.0` - `wait-on 7.2.0` - `node >=20` - `pnpm 9.4.0`
packages/css/package.json - `browserslist 4.23.1` - `fs-extra 11.1.1` - `lightningcss 1.25.1` - `@types/fs-extra 11.0.1` - `@types/node 20.14.9` - `node >=20`
packages/docs/package.json - `@next/third-parties ^14.1.0` - `@sentry/nextjs ^7.103.0` - `@tanstack/react-table 8.17.3` - `fs-extra 11.2.0` - `next 13.5.6` - `nextra 2.13.4` - `nextra-theme-docs 2.13.4` - `prettier 3.2.5` - `react 18.2.0` - `react-dom 18.2.0` - `react-markdown 9.0.1` - `shiki 1.3.0` - `ts-morph 22.0.0` - `@types/fs-extra 11.0.4` - `@types/node 20.14.9`
packages/next/package.json - `next 14.2.4` - `@vtex/shoreline 0.x || 1.x` - `next >=13` - `react >=18` - `react-dom >=18` - `node >=20`
packages/shoreline/package.json - `@ariakit/react 0.4.7` - `@internationalized/date 3.5.4` - `@react-aria/calendar 3.5.8` - `@react-aria/checkbox 3.14.3` - `@react-aria/datepicker 3.10.1` - `@react-aria/focus 3.17.1` - `@react-aria/i18n 3.11.1` - `@react-aria/interactions 3.21.3` - `@react-stately/calendar 3.5.1` - `@react-stately/datepicker 3.9.4` - `@react-stately/toggle 3.7.4` - `react-hot-toast 2.4.1` - `@faker-js/faker 8.4.1` - `@types/fs-extra 11.0.4` - `@types/node 20.14.9` - `@types/react-window 1.8.8` - `browserslist 4.23.1` - `chokidar 3.6.0` - `concurrently 8.2.2` - `cssnano 6.0.2` - `fs-extra 11.2.0` - `lightningcss 1.25.1` - `match-sorter 6.3.4` - `react-hook-form 7.48.2` - `react-window 1.8.10` - `sucrase 3.35.0` - `react >=18` - `react-dom >=18` - `node >=20`
packages/stylelint/package.json - `stylelint ^14.15.0 || ^15.0.0` - `node >=20`
packages/test-utils/package.json - `@testing-library/dom 9.3.4` - `@testing-library/jest-dom 6.4.6` - `@testing-library/react 14.3.1` - `@testing-library/user-event 14.5.2` - `vitest 0.34.6` - `vitest 0.x` - `node >=20`
packages/ts-table/package.json - `@tanstack/react-table 8.17.3` - `@tanstack/react-virtual 3.0.1` - `@faker-js/faker 8.4.1` - `@tanstack/react-table 8.17.3` - `@types/react-window 1.8.8` - `match-sorter 6.3.4` - `react-window 1.8.10` - `@tanstack/react-table >=8` - `@vtex/shoreline 0.x` - `react >=18` - `react-dom >=18` - `node >=20`
packages/utils/package.json - `csstype 3.1.3` - `deepmerge 4.3.1` - `scule 1.1.1` - `tiny-invariant 1.3.3` - `tiny-warning 1.0.3` - `use-sync-external-store 1.2.0` - `@types/use-sync-external-store 0.0.6` - `node >=20`