What would be the Best Way to Have this Buttons Translated?
We want to run the Forms on a multi language System so we need to have translation strings in German, French, Italian for Yes, No , Are you Sure?
Is there some example on how to manage the translations?
I thought something like i18n would be great. I guess the new created files then would be included via RequireJs to be usable from the inlineQuestion Code.
Hi BForms Team,
What would be the Best Way to Have this Buttons Translated? We want to run the Forms on a multi language System so we need to have translation strings in German, French, Italian for Yes, No , Are you Sure?
Is there some example on how to manage the translations? I thought something like i18n would be great. I guess the new created files then would be included via RequireJs to be usable from the inlineQuestion Code.
$saveBtn.bsInlineQuestion({ question: "Are you sure?", placement: 'auto', buttons: [{ text: 'Yes', cssClass: 'btn-primary bs-confirm', callback: $.proxy(function () { this.$grid.bsGrid('getRowElement', objId).find('.js-editableCredentials').bsPanel('save'); }, this) }, { text: 'No', cssClass: 'btn-theme bs-cancel', callback: function (e) { $saveBtn.bsInlineQuestion('toggle'); } }] });
Thank you for your Support Regards Dumitru