vtfuture / BForms

Bootstrap Forms for ASP.NET MVC
MIT License
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Translation for BSInlineQuestion #286

Open meister-d opened 7 years ago

meister-d commented 7 years ago

Hi BForms Team,

What would be the Best Way to Have this Buttons Translated? We want to run the Forms on a multi language System so we need to have translation strings in German, French, Italian for Yes, No , Are you Sure?

Is there some example on how to manage the translations? I thought something like i18n would be great. I guess the new created files then would be included via RequireJs to be usable from the inlineQuestion Code.

$saveBtn.bsInlineQuestion({ question: "Are you sure?", placement: 'auto', buttons: [{ text: 'Yes', cssClass: 'btn-primary bs-confirm', callback: $.proxy(function () { this.$grid.bsGrid('getRowElement', objId).find('.js-editableCredentials').bsPanel('save'); }, this) }, { text: 'No', cssClass: 'btn-theme bs-cancel', callback: function (e) { $saveBtn.bsInlineQuestion('toggle'); } }] });

Thank you for your Support Regards Dumitru