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Some missed dependencies #11

Closed wanradt closed 9 years ago

wanradt commented 9 years ago

cpanfile does not mention some dependencies, like Plack::I18n or Tu. And while Tu is not cpanned, it takes a while to find it.

vti commented 9 years ago

They are in submodules:

git submodule update --init
wanradt commented 9 years ago

Thank you, but after adding those modules starting app failed because missed next modules:

vti commented 9 years ago

Hm, I just tried installing it with carton and it worked just fine. How are you installing?

wanradt commented 9 years ago

I use cpanm and I think I used your example command

cpanm -L perl5 --installdeps

Tried now on other (clean) machine again, and after this command in the list of found dependencies all those 4 modules are mentioned. So I think, there was some my error or other anomaly. Thank you!

vti commented 9 years ago

If you have any more issues, let me know. I am closing the issue :)