vtl / volvo-cem-cracker

Volvo central electronic module pin cracker via OBD for P1, P2 and P3 platforms
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problem with cracking some PIN codes in P2 #4

Closed smyku22 closed 3 years ago

smyku22 commented 3 years ago

I noticed that with some PIN codes, for example: 179955542746, the algorithm is not able to crack it.

vtl commented 3 years ago

Show the log?

smyku22 commented 3 years ago


vtl commented 3 years ago

Try to increase SAMPLES to 50 or 60. Or reduce CALC_BYTES to 2.

PrancingMoose commented 3 years ago

Sorry to jump on here but how do you run the program, am using Windows 7 pro 64Bit, need to crack my cem pin, thanks

vtl commented 3 years ago

You need to solder the Arduino (Teensy 4.0 + CAN-bus), compile the source code and program the hardware.

smyku22 commented 3 years ago

Crack_PIN_100_samples_log.txt I increased the number of samples to 100 and it gets worse. He has a problem with the second PIN byte.

vtl commented 3 years ago

Your MCP2515 seems to add a lot of noise. The one I have gives a latency aligned to 2 microseconds (see video), while yours disperse the latency in every bucket around CEM's latency.

The code also supports Teensy's built-in CAN-controllers, you only need to add a CAN-transceiver, like SN65HVD230. Just attach its RX/TX pins to the Teensy's pins related to CAN.

I think I'll drop MCP2515 support, since it is so unreliable. Also a built-in simplifies the schematics, since it does not need a level shifter.

smyku22 commented 3 years ago

But as I don't use MCP2515. I use Teensy 4.0 and SN65HVD230. Could you please check this PIN on your CEM? If you want, I can send you the Flash program, from my CEM. I discovered that if the second byte of PIN is 99 then there is a problem with cracking. When the 2nd PIN byte changes to any other, the CEM is able to crack.

vtl commented 3 years ago

Yes, please.

maxdenisov commented 3 years ago

Hi, does anyone have success through OBD2? I have some issues with it:

pin[2] candidate: 81 with latency 709670 Candidate PIN 0x74 0x54 0x81 -- -- -- : brute forcing bytes 3 to 5 (3 bytes), will take up to 695 seconds Progress: 0%..done

found PIN: 0x55 0x54 0x00 0x74 0x00 0x81 PIN is cracked in 1372.35 seconds Validating PIN PIN verification failed! done

frankhommers commented 1 year ago

I got it working when brute forcing the last 4 pairs. The first 2 pairs were always the same result, after that it was basically random.