vtourraine / AcknowList

Acknowledgements screen displaying a list of licenses, for example from CocoaPods and Swift Package Manager dependencies.
MIT License
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Move Done button to rightBarButtonItem #39

Closed jmschonfeld closed 6 years ago

jmschonfeld commented 6 years ago

In most apps, the "Done" or "Close" button is located at the top right corner of a navigation controller rather the top left corner (for example, the Notes app). I feel that it would be more intuitive to users to tap the Done button in the rightBarButtonItem position than the leftBarButtonItem position.

vtourraine commented 6 years ago

Hello, and thanks for the feedback. It’s really a tricky decision, you can find the “Done” button on both sides, even in Apple’s own apps.

For me, the main criteria is: left is to go back (no action), right is to perform an action. That works well when you have a “Cancel” button on the left, and a “Done” button on the right, for instance. In this project, if a user is popping the navigation stack from the license details screen with the system “Back” button, we want to keep everything in the top left corner, to quickly return to the rest of the app. I hope that makes sense.

Feel free to subclass or override the default configuration in your project if you think this is better for your app, but I think I want to keep the “Done” button on the left for now.

jmschonfeld commented 6 years ago

Ah, I see your point. For my app it flows best if the button is on the right side, so for now the best option is probably to subclass and override. Thanks for the reply!