vtr0n / TelegramTUI

Telegram client on your terminal
MIT License
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How to change default background color? #32

Open LordManhattan opened 5 years ago

LordManhattan commented 5 years ago

Just started using TelegramTUI today, and everything is working as intended. However, how do I change the background color? I can tell that the typography color is locally set in the terminal settings, but I can't seem to find the file that controls the default background color. I'd like it to match my terminal background color, so any help would be greatly appreciated.


zzzdeb commented 4 years ago

Trick to use vim themes


nvim -c 'set nonumber' -c 'set norelativenumber' -c 'set laststatus=0' -c 'au TermClose * quit' term://telegramtui