vtsuperdarn / hdw.dat

hdw.dat files for SuperDARN radars
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missing hdw.dat.svb #5

Closed asreimer closed 6 years ago

asreimer commented 6 years ago

The hdw.dat file for SPEAR is missing from the this repository.

If you look at the radars.dat file here it references SPEAR.

However, even the new RST repo doesn't have the hdw.dat.svb file...

So this issue also occurs for official RST. I'll file it there too.

asreimer commented 6 years ago

Issue filed at SuperDARN/rst too.

ksterne commented 6 years ago

As was discussed in the Data Analysis WG's RST repo, it seems as though there isn't an interest in pulling this file into the main repo since there is very low use case for this file and most of the data in the file isn't useful. So I think we're good to close this issue here, right?

ksterne commented 6 years ago

I should also add that there are two backups of this file, one exists in the SuperDARN rst repo and the other exists in the VTSuperDARN rst repo.