vturrisi / solo-learn

solo-learn: a library of self-supervised methods for visual representation learning powered by Pytorch Lightning
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Error with Detectron2 #356

Closed kalikhademi closed 1 year ago

kalikhademi commented 1 year ago


I used byol.yaml to train resnet50 backbone with BYOL and custom dataset. When I converted the trained model to detectron2 model and used it with train_object_detection.py and coco_R_50_C4_2x.yaml, I got error that GT data does not have gt masks. However, I wanted to train this and use FRCNN as my work and not MRCNN which requires mask data.

How can I solve this error?

kalikhademi commented 1 year ago

I figured it out! You need to switch the mask flag in the config files to False so it is using Faster RCNN