[17:30:51] [ISF-API] [INF] IOTA TICKER: $1.79/Mi (+0.98% in 24h) 21,702 sat/Mi MCAP: $4.97B (#10)
[17:30:52] [LogThrd] [INF] TIME 0:00:00:00 | SPAM 3 txs | SPEED 0.00 txs/min | CNFMD 0/3 txs (00.00%) | BLNCE 0i ($0.00) | EST. RWRD 0.00 Mi ($0.00) per month
[17:31:52] [LogThrd] [INF] TIME 0:00:01:00 | SPAM 8 txs | SPEED 4.97 txs/min | CNFMD 0/3 txs (00.00%) | BLNCE 0i ($0.00) | EST. RWRD 0.00 Mi ($0.00) per month
[17:31:52] [FileMngr] [ERR] No such file or directory
java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
at java.io.UnixFileSystem.createFileExclusively(Native Method)
at java.io.File.createNewFile(File.java:1012)
at iota.FileManager.write(FileManager.java:97)
at iota.ui.UIManager.saveLogs(UIManager.java:65)
at iota.ui.UIManager.print(UIManager.java:51)
at iota.ui.UIManager.logPln(UIManager.java:75)
at iota.ui.UIManager.logInf(UIManager.java:78)
at iota.LogThread.run(LogThread.java:59)
[17:31:52] [FileMngr] [DBG] program will be terminated now due to above error
After some time of running: