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posts/event-sourcing/clean-event-driven-architecture/ #2

Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

Clean Event-Driven Architecture – Val's Tech Blog

Clean Architecture is a pretty bold statement and quite a hollow and opaque thing to say. I think of Clean Architecture as philosophy. It is not about the system today, but about the system today and tomorrow. More details inside

dennisdoomen commented 2 years ago

Well written Valerii. Kudos for that. One other aspect that I liked about the book is how it reiterates a new set of principles to control your package dependencies. I don't know who came with that idea originally, but I read a similar book 6 years ago that talked about the exact same principles. See my summary blog post from 2016

vudodov commented 2 years ago

Thanks Dennis! And sorry for such a late response...

First, great article! It never crossed my mind, how node modules are similar to micro-services and how many similarities in behaviour the one can find between them.

I'll definitely give this book a try. From a brief look and quotes in your article it gives impression of a very concise and distilled read.