vue-a11y / vue-announcer

A simple way with Vue to announce any useful information for screen readers.
MIT License
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TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'data' of 'e' as it is undefined #40

Open felixzapata opened 1 year ago

felixzapata commented 1 year ago

Hi, just using vue-announcer (v3.1.5) in a component like:

const { assertive } = useAnnouncer(); (or polite etc) throws an error during the component test:

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If you only import the vue-announcer there will be no error.

The component is under a Vue 3 application using TypeScript, Composition API, and SFC (with <script setup>). The tests are with Vitest, also written in Typescript.

The skeleton of my component test is:

import { describe, it, expect } from "vitest";
import i18n from "../../i18n";
import { mount } from "@vue/test-utils";
import MyComponent from "./MyComponent.vue";
import type { User } from "./User";

it("emit profile-saved", async () => {
    const wrapper = mount(Mycomponent, {
      global: { plugins: [i18n] },
      props: { user: { ...user } },
    } as any);
felixzapata commented 1 year ago

This is the same error, running a very simple test added to your demo folder inside the next branch:

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The component:

<script setup lang="ts">

  import { useAnnouncer } from '../../../src'

  const { assertive } = useAnnouncer();




The test:

import { describe, it, expect } from "vitest";
import { mount } from "@vue/test-utils";
import MyComponent from "./MyComponent.vue";
describe("MyComponent", () => {
  it("very simple test", async () => {
    const wrapper = mount(MyComponent as any);

Maybe the solution to this error is creating a mock for the vue-announcer inside the component that is going to use it. Something like:

vi.mock("@vue-a11y/announcer", () => {
  const useAnnouncer = () => {
    return {
      assertive: vi.fn()
  return { useAnnouncer };

At least in the test inside the demo it works as:

vi.mock('../../../src', () => {
  const useAnnouncer = () => {
    return {
      assertive: vi.fn()
  return { useAnnouncer }
felixzapata commented 1 year ago

The only way I can run the test mocking the package name is using something like:

vi.mock('@vue-a11y/announcer/dist/', () => {
  const useAnnouncer = () => {
    return {
      assertive: vi.fn()
  return { useAnnouncer }

because @vue-a11y/announcer is totally ignored by vi.mock, maybe related to this issue.

daniilgri commented 11 months ago

@felixzapata is it possible somehow to test methods from useAnnouncer composable with this approach of mocking?

felixzapata commented 11 months ago


Maybe, It was not necessary for me but in other approaches, I did something similar.

In the same test file:

import { useAnnouncer } from '@vue-a11y/announcer';
vi.mock('@vue-a11y/announcer/dist/', () => {
  const useAnnouncer = () => {
    return {
      assertive: vi.fn()
  return { useAnnouncer }

Inside the suite:

vi.mocked(useAnnouncer, { partial: true }).mockReturnValue({
      polite: () => { return true; },