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npm run dev error again #165

Closed a1029563229 closed 7 years ago

a1029563229 commented 7 years ago

` ✘ Unexpected mix of '' and '+' F:\plugins\vue-admin-master\client\views\charts\Chartjs.vue:87:64 data_2: [1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2].map(e => Math.sin(e) 25 + 25), ^ Unexpected mix of '' and '+' F:\plugins\vue-admin-master\client\views\charts\Chartjs.vue:87:69 data_2: [1, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2].map(e => Math.sin(e) 25 + 25), ^

✘ 2 problems (2 errors, 0 warnings)

Errors: 2 @ ./client/views async ^.\/.*.vue$ @ ./client/store/modules/menu/lazyLoading.js @ ./client/store/modules/menu/index.js @ ./client/store/index.js @ ./client/app.js @ ./client/index.js @ multi ./build/dev-client ./client/index.js

ERROR in ./~/.0.0.2@vue-bulma-jump/src/index.js Module parse failed: F:\plugins\vue-admin-master\node_modules.0.0.2@vue-bulma-jump\src\index.js Unexpected token (1:7) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. export BackToTop from './BackToTop' export default from './Jump'

@ ./~/.6.3.2@babel-loader/lib!./~/.11.1.3@vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./client/views/components/BackToTop.vue 50:0-43 @ ./client/views/components/BackToTop.vue @ ./client/views async ^.\/.*.vue$ @ ./client/store/modules/menu/lazyLoading.js @ ./client/store/modules/menu/index.js @ ./client/store/index.js @ ./client/app.js @ ./client/index.js @ multi ./build/dev-client ./client/index.js

ERROR in ./~/.0.0.2@vue-bulma-emoji/src/index.js Module parse failed: F:\plugins\vue-admin-master\node_modules.0.0.2@vue-bulma-emoji\src\index.js Unexpected token (1:7) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. export filter from './filter'
export EmojiIcon from './EmojiIcon'

@ ./~/.6.3.2@babel-loader/lib!./~/.11.1.3@vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./client/views/components/Emoji.vue 52:0-52 @ ./client/views/components/Emoji.vue @ ./client/views async ^.\/.*.vue$ @ ./client/store/modules/menu/lazyLoading.js @ ./client/store/modules/menu/index.js @ ./client/store/index.js @ ./client/app.js @ ./client/index.js @ multi ./build/dev-client ./client/index.js

ERROR in ./~/.0.0.4@vue-bulma-progress-tracker/src/index.js Module parse failed: F:\plugins\vue-admin-master\node_modules.0.0.4@vue-bulma-progress-tracker\src\index.js Unexpected token (1:7) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. export StepItem from './StepItem' export default from './Tracker'

@ ./~/.6.3.2@babel-loader/lib!./~/.11.1.3@vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./client/views/components/ProgressTracker.vue 76:0-71 @ ./client/views/components/ProgressTracker.vue @ ./client/views async ^.\/.*.vue$ @ ./client/store/modules/menu/lazyLoading.js @ ./client/store/modules/menu/index.js @ ./client/store/index.js @ ./client/app.js @ ./client/index.js @ multi ./build/dev-client ./client/index.js`

用cnpm i 然后就这样了 用yarn卡在1182/1183不动了 用npm -d卡在 npm info git [ 'checkout', 'de2ab007455aa2587c552694c68583f94c9f2747' ] npm info git [ 'submodule', '-q', 'update', '--init', '--recursive' ]

how to play the project...

luventa commented 7 years ago

先这样试试吧,手动删掉vue-admin下面的node_modules,然后yarn install node sass下载很慢的,卡住不动不要急...cnpm有的地方并不好用

a1029563229 commented 7 years ago

楼上的老兄 yarn install卡住了很久很久 我想问问 我开着蓝灯 要不要关了 一直卡在1182/1183不动 还有我刚才 npm i -d 成功了 但是Npm run dev 还是同样的报错

fundon commented 7 years ago

@a1029563229 报什么错误

a1029563229 commented 7 years ago

就是我上面提到的 一模一样的错误 yarn还是继续卡着

fundon commented 7 years ago

上面有 eslint 的 WARNING 信息提醒,这个不影响

a1029563229 commented 7 years ago

不是的 我进入浏览器localhost:8080 提示页面404 进不去页面...

fundon commented 7 years ago

感觉是 npm install 没装完,可以再试试删除 node_modules 目录,再 npm install -d

PS: 国内这情况,我有时候安装也想吐槽下

a1029563229 commented 7 years ago

我已经尝试了多次了 我再试试吧 Yarn还卡着呢 谢谢你

luventa commented 7 years ago

@a1029563229 实在不行搞个ss翻墙吧 [捂脸] yarn install 或者 npm install 任何一个成功了之后就可以试试 npm run dev

a1029563229 commented 7 years ago

我已经翻墙了 用的蓝灯...... ss过期了.. 不想续费 = =

a1029563229 commented 7 years ago

npm i 也安装完了 然并卵!!! = =

luventa commented 7 years ago

嗯?ss要钱?去搞aws啊 npm有时候并不是装完了...

a1029563229 commented 7 years ago


a1029563229 commented 7 years ago


luventa commented 7 years ago

对了,也可以试试淘宝镜像,先装个nrm吧 npm install nrm -g

nrm use taobao

a1029563229 commented 7 years ago

淘宝镜像也试过了... 我看了Node和npm版本都是够的 webpack也是2.0以上的 很奇怪

lazyhero commented 7 years ago


deprecate plotly.js@1.24.0 › mapbox-gl@0.22.1 › feature-filter@^2.2.0 This package has been merged into the 'mapbox-gl-style-spec' package
deprecate plotly.js@1.24.0 › mapbox-gl@0.22.1 › mapbox-gl-function@^1.2.1 This package has been merged with the 'mapbox-gl-style-spec' package
deprecate plotly.js@1.24.0 › mapbox-gl@0.22.1 › geojson-rewind@0.1.0 › geojson-area@0.1.0 This module is now under the @mapbox namespace: install @
mapbox/geojson-area instead
deprecate plotly.js@1.24.0 › mapbox-gl@0.22.1 › unitbezier@^0.0.0 This module has moved: switch to @mapbox/unitbezier
deprecate plotly.js@1.24.0 › mapbox-gl@0.22.1 › shelf-pack@^1.0.0 This module is now under the @mapbox namespace: install @mapbox/shelf-pack instea
deprecate plotly.js@1.24.0 › mapbox-gl@0.22.1 › whoots-js@^2.0.0 This module is now under the @mapbox namespace: install @mapbox/whoots-js instead
✔ All packages installed (1172 packages installed from npm registry, 2 packages installed from git, used 35s, speed 4.24MB/s, json 1316(7.42MB), ta
rball 141.67MB)
Recently updated (since 2017-02-25): 56 packages (detail see file /Users/me/Documents/code/vue-admin/node_modules/.recently_updates.txt)
    → wysiwyg.css@0.0.2 › postcss-cli@2.6.0 › yargs@4.8.1 › read-pkg-up@1.0.1 › read-pkg@1.1.0 › load-json-file@1.1.0 › parse-json@2.2.0 › error-ex
@^1.2.0 (07:25:39)
    → wysiwyg.css@0.0.2 › node-sass@3.13.1 › request@^2.61.0 (12:42:42)
    → eslint@^3.12.2 (06:18:27)
    → html-webpack-plugin@2.28.0 › bluebird@^3.4.7 (05:49:31)

会发现有几个失效包 会被自动替换安装 然后执行npm run dev 会有3个ERROR


ERROR in ./~/.0.0.2@vue-bulma-jump/src/index.js
Module parse failed: /Users/me/Documents/code/vue-admin/node_modules/.0.0.2@vue-bulma-jump/src/index.js Unexpected token (1:7)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| export BackToTop from './BackToTop'
| export default from './Jump'
 @ ./~/.6.3.2@babel-loader/lib!./~/.11.1.4@vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./client/views/components/BackToTop.vue 50:0-43
 @ ./client/views/components/BackToTop.vue
 @ ./client/views async ^\.\/.*\.vue$
 @ ./client/store/modules/menu/lazyLoading.js
 @ ./client/store/modules/menu/index.js
 @ ./client/router/index.js
 @ ./client/app.js
 @ ./client/index.js
 @ multi ./build/dev-client ./client/index.js


ERROR in ./~/.0.0.2@vue-bulma-emoji/src/index.js
Module parse failed: /Users/me/Documents/code/vue-admin/node_modules/.0.0.2@vue-bulma-emoji/src/index.js Unexpected token (1:7)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| export filter from './filter'
| export EmojiIcon from  './EmojiIcon'
 @ ./~/.6.3.2@babel-loader/lib!./~/.11.1.4@vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./client/views/components/Emoji.vue 52:0-52
 @ ./client/views/components/Emoji.vue
 @ ./client/views async ^\.\/.*\.vue$
 @ ./client/store/modules/menu/lazyLoading.js
 @ ./client/store/modules/menu/index.js
 @ ./client/router/index.js
 @ ./client/app.js
 @ ./client/index.js
 @ multi ./build/dev-client ./client/index.js


ERROR in ./~/.0.0.4@vue-bulma-progress-tracker/src/index.js
Module parse failed: /Users/me/Documents/code/vue-admin/node_modules/.0.0.4@vue-bulma-progress-tracker/src/index.js Unexpected token (1:7)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| export StepItem from './StepItem'
| export default from './Tracker'
 @ ./~/.6.3.2@babel-loader/lib!./~/.11.1.4@vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./client/views/components/ProgressTracker.vue 76:0-71
 @ ./client/views/components/ProgressTracker.vue
 @ ./client/views async ^\.\/.*\.vue$
 @ ./client/store/modules/menu/lazyLoading.js
 @ ./client/store/modules/menu/index.js
 @ ./client/router/index.js
 @ ./client/app.js
 @ ./client/index.js
 @ multi ./build/dev-client ./client/index.js

当然如果用yarn或者npm安装……到node-sass那会非常卡 挂全局ss也得等很久 对 还在等……估计没戏了

建议开发人员还是自己试下重新安装依赖构建 发生的问题

chenkang084 commented 7 years ago

我安装的时候也出现 包下载错误或者 安装完启动报错。 解决办法:1.删除node_modules下所有包,用yarn install,如果安装过程不报错,证明所有的包都下载ok了,启动就没有问题,如果不行话用方法2; 2.删除所有的包,cnpm install ,确保所有包安装完毕,npm run dev ,如果最后启动成功,但是 编译报错,把报错的 包 一个一个的删除,再去git 上面找到源码,下载源码,修改文件夹的名字和 package.json 里面的name一直,然后拖到 node_modules下面。依次替换所有的报错的包,最后再次启动,ok了。 我这边主要出错的包是:vue-bulma-jump,vue-bulma-emoji,vue-bulma-progress-tracker 如果还有问题,可以联系我。

badis commented 7 years ago

I am getting this error:

ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 9:41:40 AM

error in ./~/vue-bulma-jump/src/index.js

Module parse failed: /home/badis/Desktop/twitter/node_modules/vue-bulma-jump/src/index.js Unexpected token (1:7) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. export BackToTop from './BackToTop' export default from './Jump'

@ ./~/babel-loader/lib!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./src/components/profile/Stream.vue 3:0-43 @ ./src/components/profile/Stream.vue @ ./~/babel-loader/lib!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./src/components/Profile.vue @ ./src/components/Profile.vue @ ./src/router/index.js @ ./src/main.js @ multi ./build/dev-client ./src/main.js

I think I need this solution but everything is written in Chinese. Please post a translated version of the solution in English.

a1029563229 commented 7 years ago

最后我用了ng2-admin 最后安利一下angular4 真的是太好用了 我是一名忠实的vue粉丝 但是做后台还是angular好用!