// 2. Set your own initial variables
// Update blue
$blue: #72d0eb
// Add pink and its invert
$pink: #ffb3b3
$pink-invert: #fff
// Add a serif family
$family-serif: "Merriweather", "Georgia", serif
// 3. Set the derived variables
// Use the new pink as the primary color
$primary: $pink
$primary-invert: $pink-invert
// Use the existing orange as the danger color
$danger: $orange
// Use the new serif family
$family-primary: $family-serif
// 4. Import the rest of Bulma
@import "~bulma"
Module build failed:
@import '~bulma/sass/utilities/variables';
File to import not found or unreadable: ~bulma/sass/utilities/variables.
代码展示: @import "~bulma/sass/utilities/initial-variables"
//////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// // 2. Set your own initial variables // Update blue $blue: #72d0eb // Add pink and its invert $pink: #ffb3b3 $pink-invert: #fff // Add a serif family $family-serif: "Merriweather", "Georgia", serif
// 3. Set the derived variables // Use the new pink as the primary color $primary: $pink $primary-invert: $pink-invert // Use the existing orange as the danger color $danger: $orange // Use the new serif family $family-primary: $family-serif
// 4. Import the rest of Bulma @import "~bulma"
错误展示: Module build failed: @import '~bulma/sass/utilities/variables'; ^ File to import not found or unreadable: ~bulma/sass/utilities/variables.
错误描述; 我点击"~bulma/sass/utilities/initial-variables" 路径可以进入bulma文件,所以路径是对的,可是现在报错称找不到