vue-final / vue-final-modal

🍕Vue Final Modal is a tiny, renderless, mobile-friendly, feature-rich modal component for Vue.js.
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Error on focus trap for modal inside RouterView #361

Closed DefJunx closed 1 year ago

DefJunx commented 1 year ago


vue-final-modal: 4.3.1 vue: 3.2.45 vue-router: 4.1.6



Steps to reproduce

I have the following modal defined (which is managed by vue-router):

<script setup lang="ts">
const props = withDefaults(
    itemId?: number;
    discounts?: Discount[];
    discounts: (props) => reactive(Array.from({ length: MAX_DISCOUNTS_NUMBER }, () => discountFactory(props.itemId))),

const emit = defineEmits<{
  (e: "update:modelValue", modelValue: boolean): void;
  (e: "onSaveButtonPressed", itemId: number, discountsToSave: Discount[]): void;

    class="modal-container discounts-modal"
    content-class="modal-quotes modal-content"
    @update:model-value="(val) => emit('update:modelValue', val)"
    <button class="modal__close" @click.prevent="emit('update:modelValue', false)">X</button>
    <span class="modal__title">{{ $t("Discounts Management") }}</span>
    <div class="modal__content">
      <ErrorsContainer v-if="errors.length" :error-strings="errors" />
      <div class="discount-container">
        <div class="discount-header">
            <strong>{{ $t("Discount type") }}</strong>
            <strong>{{ $t("Discount amount") }}</strong>
        <div class="discount" v-for="(discount, idx) in props.discounts" :key="idx">
          <div>{{ idx + 1 }}.</div>
          <select v-model="discount.type" :disabled="shouldDisableDiscountCombo(idx)">
            <option :value="undefined">{{ $t("Select discount type") }}</option>
              v-if="idx === 0 || props.discounts[idx - 1].type === DISCOUNT_TYPE_AMOUNT"
            <option :value="DISCOUNT_TYPE_PERCENTAGE">%</option>
          <input type="text" :disabled="discount.type === undefined" v-model="discount.amount" />
          <button @click.prevent="cleanDiscount(discount)" class="button button--icon" style="width: 120px">
            <img :src="trashIconSrc" alt="trash icon" />
    <div class="modal__action action-container">
      <button class="button button--cyan button--small" @click.prevent="onSaveButtonPressed">
        {{ $t("Save") }}
      <button class="button button--cyan button--small" @click.prevent="emit('update:modelValue', false)">
        {{ $t("Cancel") }}

which is called inside a component managed by vue-router:

    @on-save-button-pressed="(itemId, discounts) => saveLineDiscounts(itemId, discounts)"

But the modal won't open.

What is Expected?

The modal to open

What is actually happening?

The following console error which I can't figure out how to solve:

Uncaught Error: Your focus-trap must have at least one container with at least one tabbable node in it at all times
    at y (DiscountModal-87ebc22c.js:7:3990)
    at Object.activate (DiscountModal-87ebc22c.js:7:6823)
    at u (DiscountModal-87ebc22c.js:7:8821)
    at DiscountModal-87ebc22c.js:7:12136
DefJunx commented 1 year ago

Also, adding :focusTrap to false does not help as the panel doesn't open either

DefJunx commented 1 year ago

It was a class conflicting with my modal, keeping it at display:none and therefore breaking the focus trap.

I feel really silly, I'm sorry for opening this.