vue-final / vue-final-modal

🍕Vue Final Modal is a tiny, renderless, mobile-friendly, feature-rich modal component for Vue.js.
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How I can pass simple inex props from v-for to <VueFinalModal :modal-id="myId" ? #428

Open mikoca opened 4 months ago

mikoca commented 4 months ago


How I can pass simple inex props from v-for to <VueFinalModal :modal-id="myId" ? I'm using ..

And I would like pass props like: <VueFinalModal :modal-id="modalIdAddOrEditCompanyName" :myIndex="index" display-directive="if" :clickToClose="false"

If is not possible via VueFinalModal , then can you please how I can do with useModal? But I woild like prefer only <VueFinalModal.
