vue-leaflet / Vue2Leaflet

Vue 2 components for Leaflet maps
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minNativeZoom and maxNativeZoom #389

Open nawalnew opened 5 years ago

nawalnew commented 5 years ago


I need to set a different minZoom for mobile devices. "minNativeZoom" is not working with Vue2Leaflet. Any advices?

Steps to Reproduce

Because at zomm level 3 the map shows Gray Borders left and right I had to do minZoom to 3.5.

On Mobile I need at least minZoom 2.0.

Ive ried the minNativeZoom in the options, but no success.

Expected Results

When setting minNativeZoom to 2 it should be more visible map on mobile

Actual Results

No Effect.

Browsers Affected

DonNicoJs commented 5 years ago

@nawalnew Could you show a piece of the code on how you are passing minNativeZoom to the component ?

nawalnew commented 5 years ago

@nawalnew Could you show a piece of the code on how you are passing minNativeZoom to the component ?

@DonNicoJs Thanks for reply. I hope this helps.

Ive tried it in "l-map" options too. Both no effect

<l-map style="height: 100%" :zoom="zoom" :center="center" @update:zoom="zoomUpdated" :options="mapOptions"
      @update:bounds="boundsUpdated" :bounds="bounds" :max-bounds="maxBounds">
      <l-tile-layer :url="url" :attribution="attribution" :options="tileOptions"></l-tile-layer>
        v-for="marker in markers"
      <l-popup :content="marker.popup" />
        <!-- <l-tooltip :content="marker.tooltip" /> -->
import { latLngBounds, latLng, icon } from "leaflet";
import {LMap, LTileLayer, LMarker, LTooltip, LPopup } from 'vue2-leaflet';

export default {
    name: 'Map',
    components: {
    async mounted () {
        this.$nextTick(() => {
          // this.$refs.layer.mapObject = 6
          // // set the level your need, and should ≦ the max level of source
    data() {
      return {
        mapOptions: {
          zoomSnap: 0.25,
          zoomDelta: 0.25,
        tileOptions: {
          maxZoom: 6, 
          minZoom: 3.5,
          minNativeZoom: 1,
          detectRetina: true,
          updateWhenIdle: false, 
          keepBuffer: 10
        center: L.latLng(54.413220, -36.219482),
        attribution:'&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',
        marker: L.latLng(47.413220, -1.219482),
        markers: [
          id: "m1",
          position: { lat: 52.470, lng: -7.62 },
          popup: "<div class='marker-popup'><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,<br> sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna </p><button class='marker-btn'>Start</button></div>",
          tooltip: "Tooltip",
          draggable: false,
          visible: true,
          icon: L.icon({
            iconUrl: 'static/marker-icon.png',
            iconRetinaUrl: 'static/marker-icon-2x.png',
            iconSize: [32, 53]
        bounds: latLngBounds([
      maxBounds: latLngBounds([
      maxBoundsViscosity: 0.2,

    methods: {
    zoomUpdated (zoom) {
      this.zoom = zoom;

    centerUpdated (center) { = center;
    boundsUpdated (bounds) {
      this.bounds = bounds;
DonNicoJs commented 5 years ago

@nawalnew thanks for the code, will investigate this soon.

stale[bot] commented 4 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

greenaerotech commented 4 years ago

I'm having issues getting maxNativeZoom to be a recognized/passed parameter in Vue2Leaflet l-tile-layer object also. Seems to pass maxZoom without problem, but not maxNativeZoom.

lights0123 commented 4 years ago

I had no issues with:

    :options="{ maxNativeZoom: 18, maxZoom: 100 }"

And then setting maxZoom as an option on the <l-map> (the high value of maxZoom in the tile layer is ignored if the map's setting is lower)

bradley-varol commented 4 years ago

I had no issues with:

  :options="{ maxNativeZoom: 18, maxZoom: 100 }"

And then setting maxZoom as an option on the <l-map> (the high value of maxZoom in the tile layer is ignored if the map's setting is lower)

When using these settings, the tiles disappear (grey screen) for me when zooming past the default maximum...

cristobalcl commented 3 years ago

I'm also blocking by this and I would like to give it a try and work in a PR, but I'm very new to Vue so any help or direction would be great. Any idea about where should I look? LMap.vue? optionsMerge?

cristobalcl commented 3 years ago

Ok, not a bug at all.

I move minZoom, maxZoom, and maxNativeZoom to the LTileLayerComponent options and everything started to work. You need to move those three parameters because if you put only maxNativeZoom you will experience weird zoom behavior.

To be clear: maxNativeZoom is an option of the layer not of the map. The rest of the zoom parameters are also valid in the map component though.

christopherritter commented 3 years ago

minZoom, maxZoom, and maxNativeZoom

I've included these three settings in LTileLayerComponent but it's still showing a gray map above 18. I've also included minZoom and maxZoom on the l-map without any luck.

Abdu2105 commented 2 years ago

what are news to issue above

Mayki00 commented 2 years ago

Hi @christopherritter and @cristobalcl,

Were you able to find a solution to use maxNativeZoom with Vue2Leaflet ?

thanks in advance

cristobalcl commented 2 years ago

Hello @Mayki00, yes, as I said in my previous message the solution for me was to move that configuration inside the layer configuration (LTileLayerComponent), NOT in the map configuration. I hope this makes sense :)

Mayki00 commented 2 years ago

Perfect, thank you, it works for me now ;-)

` <l-tile-layer :url="mapTileUrl" :attribution="mapAttribution" :tile-size="tileSize" :options="mapOptions"


with mapOptions :

mapOptions: { zoom: 15, minZoom: 3, maxZoom: 25, maxNativeZoom: 18, zoomOffset: -1, },