vue-pdf-viewer / vue-pdf-viewer

Vue PDF Viewer – Flexible and Powerful Vue.js PDF Component to display PDF smoothly on a Vue.js website
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UnknownErrorException: The API version "4.6.82" does not match the Worker version "4.4.168". #14

Closed edanweis closed 2 months ago

edanweis commented 2 months ago

I have registered vue-pdf-viewer in a local module, and have tried pnpm overrides for "pdfjs-dist": "4.4.168" and installing variations of pdfjs-dist library. Nothing seems to work. PDFS won't load.

vuepdfviewer commented 2 months ago

@edanweis thanks for reaching out! Could you try the following steps to see if it resolves the issue:

  1. Ensure that pnpm overrides for "pdfjs-dist": "4.4.168" is correctly added in your package.json file
  2. Remove both the node_modules folder and pnpm-lock.yaml file
  3. Run a clean pnpm install

If this doesn’t resolve the problem, it would be helpful if you could provide the following details so we can further investigate:

  1. Your Node version
  2. The Vue/Nuxt version you’re using
  3. Your package.json file

Let me know how it goes, and we’ll be happy to assist further!

edanweis commented 2 months ago


The problem didn't resolve following those steps.

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vuepdfviewer commented 2 months ago


Thanks for sharing your configurations.

I noticed that the overrides property is currently placed outside of the pnpm property. Could you try moving the overrides property for pdfjs-dist inside pnpm and run again?

It should look something like this:

"pnpm": {
  "overrides": {
    "pdfjs-dist": "4.4.168"
edanweis commented 2 months ago

@vuepdfviewer Oops! Thank you