vueComponent / ant-design-vue-nuxt

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Steps dont go forward after moving back #31

Open Matse123 opened 6 months ago

Matse123 commented 6 months ago

I added this Code from the antdv documentation, but currently it is not working. If I go forward, the second step doesn't get the 'success' status, and if I move back and want to go forward, it breaks.

test1.vue:19 [Vue warn]: Unhandled error during execution of scheduler flush. This is likely a Vue internals bug. Please open an issue at at at <Step key=1 title="Second" class="" ... > at <Steps icons= {finish: {…}, error: {…}} current=2 items= (3) [{…}, {…}, {…}] ... > at <ASteps current=2 items= (3) [{…}, {…}, {…}] > at <Test1 onVnodeUnmounted=fn ref=Ref< Proxy(Object) {v_skip: true} > > at <RouteProvider key="/test1" vnode= {__v_isVNode: true, v_skip: true, type: {…}, props: {…}, key: null, …} route= {fullPath: '/test1', hash: '', query: {…}, name: 'test1', path: '/test1', …} ... > at at at at at <Anonymous hasSider=undefined prefixCls="ant-layout" tagName="section" ... > at <ALayout style= {marginLeft: '84px'} > at <Anonymous hasSider=undefined prefixCls="ant-layout" tagName="section" ... > at <ALayout style= {max-height: '100vh'} > at <Anonymous value= {hashed: true, components: {…}, theme: Theme, token: {…}} > at at <LocaleReceiver children=fn > at <AConfigProvider theme= {algorithm: ƒ} > at <Default ref=Ref< Proxy(Object) {__v_skip: true} > > at <LayoutLoader key="default" layoutProps= {ref: RefImpl} name="default" > at <NuxtLayoutProvider layoutProps= {ref: RefImpl} key="default" name="default" ... > at at at

chunk-BLEO2JDC.js?v=4dd5f70d:5884 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'namespaceURI') at isSVGContainer (chunk-BLEO2JDC.js?v=4dd5f70d:5884:58) at hydrateNode (chunk-BLEO2JDC.js?v=4dd5f70d:6039:13) at hydrateSubTree (chunk-BLEO2JDC.js?v=4dd5f70d:7103:13) at ReactiveEffect.componentUpdateFn [as fn] (chunk-BLEO2JDC.js?v=4dd5f70d:7123:13) at (chunk-BLEO2JDC.js?v=4dd5f70d:422:19) at instance.update (chunk-BLEO2JDC.js?v=4dd5f70d:7242:52) at setupRenderEffect (chunk-BLEO2JDC.js?v=4dd5f70d:7250:5) at mountComponent (chunk-BLEO2JDC.js?v=4dd5f70d:7040:5) at processComponent (chunk-BLEO2JDC.js?v=4dd5f70d:6993:9) at patch (chunk-BLEO2JDC.js?v=4dd5f70d:6466:11)

aibayanyu20 commented 6 months ago

same with