Closed TsMask closed 3 months ago
vue: 3.4
configprovider-config ConfigProvider 中配置主题
先通过 a-config-provider标签设置了theme的token颜色圆角
随后设置暗色主题 algorithm: [theme.compactAlgorithm, theme.darkAlgorithm] 到这都是正常的
algorithm: [theme.compactAlgorithm, theme.darkAlgorithm]
之后通过ConfigProvider.config() 里的theme属性设置主题色导致组件message, Modal, notification的暗色主题失效
<template> <a-config-provider :theme="themeConfig"> <div> <a-button type="primary" @click="handleModal">Modal Click</a-button> <!-- 点击确定后异步关闭对话框,例如提交表单。 --> <a-button type="primary" @click="showModal"> Modal with async logic </a-button> <a-modal v-model:open="open" title="Title" :confirm-loading="confirmLoading" @ok="handleOk" > <p>{{ modalText }}</p> </a-modal> <a-tooltip placement="top"> <template #title> <span>prompt text</span> </template> <a-button type="dashed" @click="handleClick">Message Click</a-button> </a-tooltip> <a-button type="default" @click="handleNotification"> Notification box </a-button> <a-popconfirm title="Title" @confirm="handleConfirm" @cancel="handleCancel" > <a-button type="primary">Open Popconfirm with Promise</a-button> </a-popconfirm> </div> <div> <a-button type="primary" @click="handleConfigProvider" >Set ConfigProvider Theme</a-button > </div> </a-config-provider> </template> <script lang="ts" setup> import { reactive, ref } from "vue"; import { message, Modal, notification } from "ant-design-vue"; import { ConfigProvider, theme } from "ant-design-vue"; import type { ThemeConfig } from "ant-design-vue/es/config-provider/context"; const themeConfig = reactive<ThemeConfig>({ algorithm: [theme.compactAlgorithm, theme.darkAlgorithm], token: { // colorBgContainer: "#fff", colorPrimary: "#1668dc", // "#722ED1", borderRadius: 6, }, }); const handleConfigProvider = () => { ConfigProvider.config({ theme: { primaryColor: "#722ED1", }, }); message.success("Message handleConfigProvider clicked!"); }; const handleClick = () => { console.log("handleClick"); message.success("Message Button clicked!"); }; function handleModal() { Modal.confirm({ title: "Are you sure Modal this task?", content: "Some descriptions", okText: "Yes", okType: "danger", cancelText: "No", onOk() { console.log("OK"); message.warning("Modal Button clicked!"); }, onCancel() { console.log("Cancel"); }, }); } const handleConfirm = (e: MouseEvent) => { console.log(e); return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => resolve(true), 3000); }); }; const handleCancel = (e: MouseEvent) => { console.log(e); message.error("Click on No"); }; const handleNotification = () => {{ message: "Notification Title", description: "This is the content of the notification. This is the content of the notification. This is the content of the notification.", onClick: () => {"Notification Clicked!"); }, }); }; // 点击确定后异步关闭对话框,例如提交表单。 const modalText = ref<string>("Content of the modal"); const open = ref<boolean>(false); const confirmLoading = ref<boolean>(false); const showModal = () => { open.value = true; }; const handleOk = () => { modalText.value = "The modal will be closed after two seconds"; confirmLoading.value = true; setTimeout(() => { open.value = false; confirmLoading.value = false; }, 2000); }; </script> <style scoped lang="css"></style>
通过ConfigProvider.config() 里的theme属性会导致暗色主题失效
发现 ConfigProvider.config() 设置的颜色会生成 :root {} 的变量,v4是否还会使用css变量属性?
This issue is stale because it has been open 60 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 7 days
vue: 3.4
Reproduction link
configprovider-config ConfigProvider 中配置主题
Steps to reproduce
先通过 a-config-provider标签设置了theme的token颜色圆角
algorithm: [theme.compactAlgorithm, theme.darkAlgorithm]
到这都是正常的之后通过ConfigProvider.config() 里的theme属性设置主题色导致组件message, Modal, notification的暗色主题失效
What is expected?
通过ConfigProvider.config() 里的theme属性会导致暗色主题失效
What is actually happening?
发现 ConfigProvider.config() 设置的颜色会生成 :root {} 的变量,v4是否还会使用css变量属性?