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VuePress Migration Feedback #188

Open bencodezen opened 5 years ago

bencodezen commented 5 years ago

Hello! My name is Ben Hong and I'm a Vue.js Community Partner that is currently working with the Vue.js Core Docs Team to help with updating the platform from Hexo to VuePress. During this time, we plan to have a content freeze in order to ensure all of the sites stay in sync with one another.

As the maintainers for the French translation site, are there any pain points or concerns that you might have about this migration? We would love to hear from you and make sure your thoughts are taken into consideration before starting work on this.

Looking forward to your response!

MachinisteWeb commented 5 years ago

Bonjour Ben,


Can you indicate me the last commit from vuejs/ I can use to update French vuejs-fr/ website with Hexo before the documentation was freeze?



bencodezen commented 5 years ago

Hey Bruno!

We have not frozen the content yet. We just want to give everyone a chance to give feedback if there are any concerns about the migration / process.

Does that help to clarify my initial message?

bencodezen commented 3 years ago

Hello! Just wanted to let you know that v3 docs are ready to start translating.

If you have any questions, please feel free to file an issue so we can help however we can!

MachinisteWeb commented 3 years ago

Amazing! Any instruction about how proceed for translation from now?

I see this in the

« The docs are in beta: The team is currently in the midst of changes and we are not ready for additional contributions yet. All content is subject to change. If you see a problem that you would like to bring to our attention, please create an issue and we will get to it when we can. You may want to wait until the content is finalized, though. »

It is not relevant anymore?

Should we do an FR fork and rely this fork to in any manner and keep the fork up-to-date with your master update? And how?

bencodezen commented 3 years ago

Oops. I need to update that. That is no longer relevant.

I would do a fork and keep it separate from the v2 codebase since it's on VuePress instead of Hexo. As far as keeping it up to date, that's a trickier part. I know certain teams are using GitHub actions to track major changes, I'll try and see if I can get more info on this.