vuejs / Discussion

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Big thanks to Evan You! #272

Open swift1 opened 8 years ago

swift1 commented 8 years ago

I'd like to give a big thanks to Evan You for having created the best javascript MV* framework in the world! :palm_tree: The library is simple to learn and the default way to write code in Vue makes it very structured and organized. And in spite of Vue's apparant simplicity, it offers some very powerful features. The more I work with it, the more I love it. Thanks for providing us with this epic framework that gives programmers like me a ton of inspiration. Learning Vue.js has been such a treat that I'm even inspired to rewrite/convert some of my old angular programs into Vue.js. People who are still using Angular or Knockout don't know what they're missing out on! :smile:

yyx990803 commented 8 years ago

Glad you are liking it!

holic commented 8 years ago

I second this!