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ShadowDOM #70

Open BigBlueHat opened 9 years ago

BigBlueHat commented 9 years ago

I realize this may fall a bit outside of Vue's core, but right now the one thing that's luring me away from using Vue (though it has yet to succeed! :wink:) is Web Components--specifically the ShadowDOM.

What I want most out of the ShadowDOM is the promise of "scoped CSS" (browser's seem to be focusing on ShadowDOM and punting on the <style scoped> approach).

The closest (and smallest) implementation I've found so far is Bosonic.

If it were possible to mix this into Vue, that'd suite me just fine! :smile_cat:

Regardless, I thought I'd share. :smile:

yyx990803 commented 9 years ago

I'd really leave that to the actual standard being implemented in Browsers rather than putting it into Vue.

Bosonic's approach is via transpiling during the build step - you can achieve something very similar with Webpack + vue-loader or Browserify + vueify, by using a CSS preprocessor:

<style lang="stylus">
.my-component // scope all your rules under this
    color #f00
    color #0f0

  <div class="my-component">...</div>

module.exports = {
  replace: true
thelinuxlich commented 9 years ago
