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why not use class style so vue template can take advantage of static language analyzer like angular's Angular Language Server for AngularTemplate #1019

Closed John0King closed 4 years ago

John0King commented 4 years ago

What problem does this feature solve?

Maybe current sfc worked for variable detect, but for a very long time , There is not a Vue Language Server for Vue's template to do things for custom component tag intelliSense / property intelliSense. That's also why I like angular more than Vue, any third party component must read their document so that you can know what property can be use. and I think by using vue 2 's vue-property-decorator , that vue actually can take advantage of the static language analyzer to build a official Vue language Server , but that must use class style code instead of "configuration" base ( js base code can provide a "*.d.ts" ).

What does the proposed API look like?

import  Markdown from "./components/markdown.vue";
// MarkdownCompoent : VueInstance<MarkdowComponent> // MarkdowComponent is the class  we defined
// type VueInstance<T>  = Vue & T;

@Compoent({  compoents:{ Markdown } })
export class MarkdownPreviewer extends Vue

     onMarkdownRenderd(){    }

now if there is a vue lanauge server, now we can find the component metadata and register it for tag complete and the attribute can find by the @Prop member , @Emit for event

yyx990803 commented 4 years ago
  1. Class has more issues than it solves

  2. Vue doesn't need to use Class API to get type hints. Vetur has had intellisense support for templates for a very long time by analyzing the object syntax, just not performing actual type checking. @znck has made type checking work in templates as well (still WIP), and it doesn't need classes.

  3. You can still use vue-class-component with Vue 3.

John0King commented 4 years ago

@yyx990803 try a new Vue project, I find that the Vetur only support object style of vue for tag complete, and property complate and has no support for event , I think may be Vetur use some pattern match tech, and there on such pattern for $emit.

and by using analyze ts class metadata , then I believe the Template Linguage Server will be much reliable, because event in class style is

  resetCount() {
    this.count = 0
leopiccionia commented 4 years ago

The lack of v-on and $emit type-checking is not related to class v object. Vue 2.x just doesn't have a way to type-check emits, so far.

But Vue 3.x introduced the new emits option to solve this problem, and new class components will probably have support to it, too.