vuejs / core

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$el is typed as any #7915

Open DellCliff opened 1 year ago

DellCliff commented 1 year ago

Vue version


Link to minimal reproduction

Steps to reproduce

this.$el has the any type

What is expected?

this.$el has the Node | undefined type

What is actually happening?

this.$el has the any type

System Info

No response

Any additional comments?

$el is defined at runtime-core/src/componentPublicInstance.ts line 197

mmis1000 commented 1 year ago

I think it's indeed any. Or, to make it safer, unknown. Vue 3 didn't require element to meet specified interface because implementation of node operations is specified outside of runtime-core

The $el can be whatever you want if you are in other runtime.

baiwusanyu-c commented 1 year ago

I agree with @mmis1000 , I also think it should be any. You must know that Vue supports custom renderers, which makes the content rendered by components not necessarily standard dom elements

DellCliff commented 1 year ago

Maybe adjust the documentation at to reflect that? It states that $el is Node | undefined.

mmis1000 commented 1 year ago

Wondering if it is possible to left it as a blank interface and argument in runtime-dom.

Like what express.js does

In this way, if you don't have runtime-dom installed. It is {}. Or if you have, it will suddenly be Node